WWE SmackDown 2/11/16 results: Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles, Naomi vs. Sasha Banks

Show: WWE SmackDown

Location: Portland, OR at the Moda Center

Date: February 11th, 2016

Airing on the SyFy Network

Welcome to Thursday Night SmackDown. Chris Jericho walks down to the ring to open the show. Jericho cuts a promo about how he respects AJ Styles, but he doesn’t respect him. He said that Styles in not phenomenal, but he (Jericho) is. This leads to Styles walking down to the ring.

Before the match can begin The Social Outcasts walk out and cut a promo on the two. Heath Slater says that they’re looking at the phenomenal three. Slater said welcome to the jungle. Jericho said that they picked the wrong night to do this. Slater said that they’re not idiots and Jericho him with the mic. A brawl broke out and this leads to a tag team match.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Chris Jericho and AJ Styles vs. Curtis Axel and Adam Rose.

Jericho hit Axel with a drop kick then tagged in Styles, who hit a dropkick of his own. Rose was tagged in and attacked Styles. He sent Styles into the corner and the heels got heat. Styles fought out of a headlock and tagged in Jericho. Jericho cleaned house on Rose and hit the Lionsault. Styles tagged himself in and hit a springboard forearm for the win.

Winners: Jericho and Styles.

Post-match, Jericho hit AJ with the Codebreaker.

-Commercial Break-

Highlights of Daniel Bryan’s retirement speech and the contract signing from RAW are shown.

The Dudley Boyz cut an in-ring promo in street clothes. They talk about Daniel Bryan’s retirement and ripped him for it. Bubba said that they’re tired of listening about Bryan and a lot of things around WWE. Devon said that since they returned to WWE, fans have seen them as nostalgia act. Devon said the Usos saw them as that, but they’re wrong. Bubba said that they’re back to build their legacy. Bubba said that they were doing away with tables. They then left the ring with a table.

There is another R-Truth – Goldust segment shown.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

They lock up to begin the match. Banks knocked her down and slapped Naomi for 2. banks sent her into the corner, but ate an elbow. Banks cut her off with a double knee strike in the corner. Naomi fought back and hit a drop kick. Banks sent Naomi to the floor. Banks followed her out there and Naomi sent her back first into the apron. Back in the ring, Banks landed a series of forearm strikes then a clothesline. Banks hit a drop kick and a hurricanrana. Banks then hit a running knee drop then hit the Bank Statement on Naomi for the win.

Winner: Banks.

-Commercial Break-

The Wyatt Family walk down to the ring. Bray Wyatt cuts a promo about taking out the titans in WWE. Harper said that even titans can turn into mortals. Strowman said that darkest will get us all.

-Commercial Break-

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Neville, Sin Cara and Kalisto vs. Stardust and The Ascension.

The heels jump Neville before the match. Stardust put the boots to him. Konnor was tagged in and ate an enziguri from Neville. Kalisto got the hot tag and kicked Viktor in the head. Kalisto hit a springboard dive then sent Viktor to the floor. He drop kicked Stardust out of the ring. Kalisto and Cara took out Stardust and Viktor with an outside dive. Back in the ring, Kalisto kicked Konnor in the head and hit his finisher. Cara was tagged in and hit a front senton. Neville then hit the Red Arrow for the win.

Winners: Neville, Sin Cara and Kalisto

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles.

Jericho goes on the early attack and hit a powerslam. Jericho sent Styles to the apron and then hit a springboard drop kick.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back from break with Styles blocking a bulldog and sent Jericho into the turnbuckle. Styles hit a chop then some strikes. Styles hit a forearm strike then a series of strikes. Styles missed a knee drop and Jericho hit him with a dropkick for 2. Jericho connected with a clothesline then went to the top rope. Styles met him with a right hand then a kick. Jericho fought back and hit a backbreaker for 2. Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho, but Styles blocked. Styles with a series of strikes, but ate an enziguri for 2. Jericho went to the top rope, but Styles hit a dropkick to knock him down in mid-air. Styles landed a strike and hit the lion sault for a near fall. Jericho rained down some strikes and a slap. Styles popped up and hit a reverse neck breaker for a near fall. Styles went for the Styles Clash, but Jericho blocked and went for the Walls of Jericho and locked it in. Styles reversed and landed a series of strikes. Styles locked in the Calf Crusher submission. Jericho got to the ropes to break the submission. Styles sent Jericho to the floor and hit a springboard crossbody. Back in the ring, Jericho cut him off and hit the Codebreaker for the win.

Winner: Jericho.

Jericho celebrated at ringside while a graphic promoting Brock Lesnar’s appearance on next week’s show. This is how the show ends.

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