Vince McMahon’s letter/apology to The Ultimate Warrior

The following is Vince McMahon’s letter in reply to The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior’s letter is posted here. In Vince’s reply he pretty much agrees to Warrior’s pay and royalty requests and refers to Warrior as a friend and a part of the WWF family.


Dear Jim:

This letter is in response to your facsimilie to me of July 10, 1991

1. You will be paid an aggregate amount of $550,000 (five-hundred-fifty-thousand) for your participation in WrestleMania VII.

2. With the exeption of special events only, you will receive four days off every other time off period.

3. Your pay rate on house shows will increase to 4-5% of the net, effective immediately, with the understanding tha tno other WWF athelete will be paid at a higher rate. Likewise, no other WWF athlete will be paid at a higher pay rate than you on pay-per-view events.

4. Effective immediately, your royalty rate on all forms of merchandise is to be increased. The specific amount will be determined in writing within one week.

5. Your compensation for the Warrior 900 hotline will be identical to that of the Hulk 900 hotline. Likewise, documentation for this will follow in writing within one week.

I regret the turmoil you’ve put yourself through and your agonizing over what you feel is fair compensation. And even though we have a difference of opinion over some of these matters, I am resolved to work with you in the same honest and equitable way that I always have. Furthermore, I would like to express to you my deepest appreciation and admiration for you as a performer, as a member of the WWF family, as a man and as my friend.



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