Matt Hardy talks about Dixie Carter and his future in wrestling

Matt Hardy recently spoke with Jim Varsallone of The Miami Herald to promote TNA on Pop TV. Here are the highlights.

On Dixie Carter:

“I like Dixie Carter as a person a lot. I think she’s great,” Hardy said. “Every step of the way from when my wife was pregnant to when my son, Maxel, was born, she was so supportive and always checking in, text, calls. She’s very accessible and very sincere as a person.

“As a business person, that’s different. I haven’t dealt with her on that level as much. I think she has a lot of drive to be great, and she’s trying to put all the right pieces in the right places to get the correct formula to make TNA successful. We have a good locker room. We have management and creative who are open to ideas and are listening to feedback from the guys. I think we can make a good run at this thing.”

On his future:

“I’m probably trying to work behind the scenes more than I probably should be,” Hardy chuckled. “Every time I get an opportunity, and I have an idea, I’ll put in a call to [TNA Executive Vice President of Television Production/Director of Talent Relations] Jon Gaburick or to the writers or creative, and I’ll give my input on it.

“My good friend Shane Helms is an agent/producer, and he’s in on the creative meetings, and we have a lot of interaction week to week. There are a lot of new things and a lot of great ideas we have that we put on the list to try and make [an impact] on Impact Wrestling this year. I think it’s going to be great. I think it’s going to be beneficial to the roster, to the programming and most importantly to the fans. The more I can be behind the scenes the better.”

You can read the entire interview here.

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