Wyatt Family angle inspired by Jeff and Matt Hardy’s #TheFinalDeletion?

Several of the WWE talents watched an advanced copy of this week’s Impact Wrestling while on the Japan tour over the weekend, specifically #TheFinalDeletion match/angle with Jeff and Matt Hardy.

TNA’s Jeremy Borash sent out advanced copies to people in and outside of the business so they could get their reaction before the show aired on Pop TV. It was a great bit of marketing and it’s the most hype that TNA has gotten for a show in quite some time. Obviously, the WWE talent are not allowed to comment on TNA publicly but privately there were people praising it and there’s speculation that The Wyatt Family segment from Raw where they invite The New Day to their compound was inspired by #TheFinalDeletion angle from Impact.

For those that have asked about Impact’s future on Tuesday nights, we have not heard anything regarding a move to a new night. The second hour of Smackdown will go head to head with the first hour of Impact on Tuesday nights. Some can look at it as a positive if the Smackdown audience tunes in to Impact at 10pm so I could see them staying on Tuesday’s at least for a few weeks to see how things work out.

WWE just released a new commercial hyping the move to Tuesdays.

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