Partial spoilers for the July 21st episode of Impact Wrestling on Pop TV

TNA held an Impact Wrestling TV taping on Tuesday from Orlando, FL at Universal Studios. Here are the partial spoilers for the July 21st episode of Impact:

– Madison Rayne defeated Allie in a singles match for Xplosion.

– Matt Hardy defeated James Storm in a Bound For Glory Playoff match.

– Maria Kanellis demanded that Gail Kim, Jade, Madison, Allie, Marti Bell and Sienna come to the ring for a State of the KO Division. Maria said whoever takes out Gail will be rewarded. Madison lays Gail out.

– Ethan Carter III walks out to the ring and cuts a promo about the BFG Playoffs but Drew Galloway interrupts him. Galloway said that he would win the playoffs. Eli Drake interrupts and cuts a promo to set up the next match.

– EC3 defeated Eli Drake in a BFG Playoff match.

– Drew Galloway defeated Bram in a BFG Playoff match.

– Robbie E defeated Baron Dax in a singles match for Xplosion.

– Mahabali Shera defeated Al Snow in a singles match for Xplosion.

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