WWE Monday Night Raw 8/29/16 results: New Universal Champion, Triple H returns

Show: RAW
Location: Houston, TX at the Toyota Center
Date: August 29th, 2016
Airing live on the USA Network

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Lita hype what we will see tonight, which is the WWE Universal Fatal 4-Way Elimination match and Paul Heyman appearing on tonight’s RAW. Cesaro vs. Sheamus is booked for the show. Sasha Banks was backstage at RAW and spoke about her injury. Banks said that her match with Charlotte was a blur and that her back just gave out on her during the match. Banks stayed in character for this interview. Booker T noted that Wade Barrett was injury prone and is not in WWE anymore. Banks said that she is lucky she didn’t have to have surgery and is looking forward getting back into the ring.

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. Corey Graves is in the ring with Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Big Cass and Roman Reigns. Graves hypes tonight’s main event. Rollins said that they’re all sitting out here right now is because of what he did to Finn Balor at SummerSlam. Rollins bragged about being the #1 draft for the RAW brand and thought the other three Superstars need to prove their worth to the fans. Owens said that he is a big of Graves’ show on the WWE Network and said that it’s such an honor to be in tonight’s match with the other Superstars. Owens said that he thought they were supposed to be nice to each other but instead he will just tell everyone why he will win tonight. Owens said that since he put Sami Zayn out of the picture, he will win the Universal Title because he is a prize fighter. Owens said that Reigns fights hard while he fights smart and Cass is just really tall. Owens was surprised that Cass could talk because he thought Enzo pulled his strings. Cass asked Owens if he came up with that or if Chris Jericho did for him. Owens said that’s not funny. Cass said that he is new to the main roster, but that means he has nothing to lose tonight because no one is expecting him to win. Cass told Rollins that despite what he has heard, size does matter. Rollins promised to shove Cass’ words down his throat. Rollins asked Graves to ask Reigns about how he plans to beat him tonight. Reigns then attacked Owens and Rollins. Reigns and Cass had a staredown. Rollins attacked Reigns from behind, and Reigns tossed Cass out of the ring then hit a Superman Punch to Rollins.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Chris Jericho vs. Neville.

Neville with a right hand and then a flying forearm shot. Neville launched Jericho out of the ring and went for an outside dive, but Jericho moved, and Neville stayed in the ring. Neville kicked Jericho and then sent him into the apron and back into the ring. Neville went to the top rope and hit a crossbody for 2. Neville put the boots to him in the corner. Jericho poked him in the eye and hit a clothesline.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Jericho hitting a crossbody for 2. Neville fought back and hit a springboard moonsault on the floor to take out Jericho. Back in the ring, Neville rolled him up for 2. Jericho went for a Codebreaker but it was blocked, and Neville hit a superkick. Neville went to the top rope and missed the Red Arrow. Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho for the win.

Winner: Jericho.

We see Bayley arriving backstage, and she met The New Day. Bayley had a comedy skit with them until Dana Brooke walked up. Brooke said that Bayley wouldn’t succeed in WWE. New Day brought up Brooke losing to Bayley last week. Brooke brought up Anderson and Gallows and The New Day told her to tell them to bring it on.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Nia Jax vs. Hyan

Jax hit a clothesline and then her finisher for the win.

Winner: Jax.

There was a backstage segment with Anderson and Gallows. They are now in the retirement business. Anderson and Gallows said that The Dudley Boyz needed some help with their retirement, so they helped him out. The next team that will go into retirement as Tag Team Champions are The New Day.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Sami Zayn vs. Jinder Mahal

They lock up, and Zayn knocked him down. Zayn with a series of chops in the corner. Mahal ducked out to the floor, and Mahal attacked him from behind then landed some right hands. Mahal with a clothesline. Mahal locked in a headlock, which Zayn fought out of. Zayn with a major league clothesline then hit a suplex. Zayn with a big boot for the win.

Winner: Zayn.

-Commercial Break-

Six-Person Tag Team Match: Dana Brooke, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows vs. The New Day and Bayley with Charlotte on commentary.

Bayley and Brooke started things off. They lock up and Brooke tossed her into the corner. Big E and Anderson were tagged in. Brooke attacked Big E from behind and Anderson put the boots to him. Gallows was tagged in and beat him down in the corner. Big E fought back and tagged in Bayley, who hit a series of clotheslines. Bayley and New Day celebrated in the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Gallows in control of Kingston. Gallows hit a baseball slide in the corner. Kingston fought back, but Gallows cut him off with a back elbow. Kingston fought back, and Bayley got the hot tag and hit a series of strikes. Things broke down outside the ring, and Kingston took out Anderson with a dive. Brooke rolled up Bayley for 2. Bayley hit her finisher for the win.

Winners: The New Day and Bayley

-Commercial Break-

Sheamus cut a promo in the ring about proving that he is better than Cesaro.

Best of Seven Series Match: Cesaro vs. Sheamus.

They lock up, and Cesaro knocked him down then hit a double stomp. Cesaro with an uppercut that sent Sheamus to floor. Cesaro tossed him back into the ring. Saro knocked him out of the ring with a big boot.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Cesaro making his comeback. Cesaro hit a power slam and then an uppercut in the corner. Sheamus rolled him up for 2 but was using the ropes, and the referee saw it. Cesaro with more uppercuts and then a drop kick. Sheamus sent him back first into the ring post. Back in the ring, Sheamus locked in the Cloverleaf submission for the win.

Winner: Sheamus.

-Commercial Break-

A video package for the late Mr. Fuji was shown.

Singles Match: Braun Strowman vs. Americo.

Strowman tossed him around and hit a reverse chokeslam for the win.

Winner: Strowman.

-Commercial Break-

Stephanie McMahon was in the ring and brought up Brock Lesnar’s attack on Randy Orton at SummerSlam and hitting Shane McMahon with an F5. Paul Heyman walked down to the ring and introduced himself. McMahon interrupted him and told him to get into the ring, which he did. There was an ECW chant and McMahon stopped them by saying she bought the company years ago. Heyman said to defend his client; Lesnar defeated Orton, and that was a win for RAW brand. Heyman said that RAW won SummerSlam thanks to Lesnar. Heyman said that Lesnar crossed the line when he attacked Shane. Heyman explained that he tried to protect Shane at SummerSlam. Heyman noted that he was here to pay Lesnar’s fine. Heyman pulled out a stack of cash and gave it to her. They were all single dollar bills, and she slapped the money out of his hand. McMahon said that Lesnar brings value to RAW, but Heyman doesn’t and threatened to fire him. McMahon said that there was a storm coming his way. Heyman said that she was wrong and that Lesnar is the storm. Heyman said that the apology is to Stephanie. Heyman knows that they put her in a bad situation with the board of directors and the bad situation they put her in with her father. Heyman knows that she is trying to bring the female athletes… Stephanie interrupted and said it was the women’s revolution and it staring him in the face. Heyman begged her to accept the money for the fine and as a lesson learned. Stephanie accepted the apology and walked out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Darren Young vs. Titus O’Neil.

They lock up, and Young hit a series of strikes to O’Neil in the corner. O’Neil tossed Young outside of the ring and nearly took out a cameraman. Back in the ring, O’Neil hit a power slam. O’Neil worked over Young’s jaw, but Young fought back and rolled him up for 2.

Winner: Young.

Post-match, Young and Bob Backlund celebrated in the ring. O’Neil attacked both of them and laid them out.

Mick Foley is shown talking in the back with Stephanie and said that he should have been with her when she was talking with Heyman. Foley thinks that they should ban all former tag team partners of tonight’s competitors. Rollins walked up and vowed to win the WWE Universal Title. Stephanie and Rollins hugged.

-Commercial Break-

WWE Universal Title Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match: Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens vs. Big Cass vs. Roman Reigns.

Cass, Reigns and Rollins start brawling while Owens talked to Stephanie at ringside. Cass clotheslines Rollins out of the ring. Reigns and Cass had a stare down but Rollins and Owens attacked them from behind. Things spill outside of the ring. Cass hit a suplex to Rollins for 2. Rollins went to the top rope and Cass slapped him down. Reigns tossed Owens to the floor. Reigns and Cass exchange shots in the ring. Reigns hit Cass with a clothesline. Reigns went for a Superman Punch but was caught. Cass hit a big boot to Reigns and the two men fall to the floor. Rollins took out Cass and Reigns took out Rollins with an outside dive.

-Commercial Break-

Owens is brawling with Cass on the floor. Owens knocked him down and hit an elbow drop off the apron. Rollins clotheslines Owens. Rollins tossed Cass into the ring and covered him for 2. Owens with a big right hand to Rollins and sent him to the floor. Owens hit a clothesline to Cass and hit a back senton to Cass for 2. Cass fought back with right hands but Owens knocked him down with a kick to the thigh. Rollins pulled Owens out of the ring and sent him into the barricade. Rollins sent him face first into the turnbuckle. Rollins with a forearm shot to Cass in the corner. Reigns hit Rollins with a series of clotheslines. Reigns hit Owens with a clothesline and Cass hit a big boot to Reigns. Cass hit a big splash to Owens and Rollins in the corner. Cass sent Owens to the apron and hit a big boot. Rollins rolled up Cass for 2. Cass with a power slam to Rollins then hit an elbow drop. Cass went for his finisher but Reigns hit him with a Superman Punch and then Reigns missed a spear. Rollins rolled up Cass for 2. Owens with a frog splash to Cass for the elimination.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Reigns hitting a powerbomb to Rollins while Rollins hit a suplex to Owens off the top rope. Reigns with a series of clotheslines to Rollins in the corner. Reigns missed a Superman Punch and Rollins sent him to the floor. Rollins went for a dive but Reigns landed a punch. Reigns went for the Superman Punch but missed and Rollins hit the Falcon Arrow for 2. Rollins went for the Pedigree but Reigns blocked it. Rollins went for a dive but Reigns hit a Superman Punch and covered him for 2. Reigns went for a spear but Rollins kicked him in the head. Owens with a superkick to Rollins. Owens hit a cannonball to Reigns and Rollins. Reigns hit a Superman Punch to Owens for 2. Owens with a super kick to Reigns and went for a powerbomb but Reigns hit a Superman Punch. Rollins went for the Pedigree to Reigns but he blocked and hit a powerbomb for a near fall. Reigns with the Drive-By to Rollins and a Superman Punch to Owens. Reigns with a spear to Rollins on the floor. Triple H walked out and hit a Pedigree to Reigns on the floor. Rollins pinned Reigns and eliminated him. Triple H put Owens in the ring and then hit a Pedigree to Rollins. Owens pinned Rollins for the win.

Winner: Owens.

Triple H shook Owens’ hand and gave him the title. Triple H and Owens stood in the ring and celebrated. Triple H walked through the crowd. Owens stayed in the ring looking at the title to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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