Former WWE Superstar Rico Constantino battling serious health issues

Former WWE Superstar Rico Constantino is battling serious health problems according to Kenny Bolin. Bolin noted that Constantino has been sick since January and is in desperate need of help and has not been in contact with most of the people in his life in about 9 months. Apparently, he is dealing with heart issues and he has severe diagnosed concussions.

It’s worth nothing that Constantino was not known as a drug guy so his issues, according to Bolin, are not self-inflicted and his concussions have caused memory issues for him. The saddest part of it all is that his wife says that Constantino is barely recognizable these days.

Back in 2013, caught up with Constantino when he was working for the Nevada Taxicab Authority and as a part-time District Security Officer for the U.S. Marshals. A GoFundMe account has been set up since Bolin’s Facebook post. Click here if you’d like to help out.

We wish him nothing but the best.

Kenny “StarMaker” Bolin posted the following on Tuesday night:

it saddens me to inform you that I have just found out that a Former WWE star and very dear friend of mine named Rico Costantino (Rico the Stylist) is very, very sick and has been since at least early January. He has no help financially at all, no disability help and none in sight. He has not spoke a word to hardly any one in like 9 months. he desperately needs our help. he also
has severe diagnosed concussions, a collapsed lung and sever heart problems way to detailed to get in to here. I spoke to his X-wife and length last night and she is trying to take care of him as best she can. i am hoping we can set up a go fund me account to assist him as soon as his X can get me the banking info to have it sent too. i also hope the WWE and Vince Mcmahon, Stephanie McMahon or Hunter will chime in and help this great and very nice man who gave his life to helping others till here recently. Lets get the word out about Rico’s illness to those who may be able to help him in this extreme time of need. as i get more info from his X Linda i will pass it on. i will be contacting a few of my former and current WWE stars to rattle some cages in hope of getting rico some financial help. his illness was not caused by drug abuse as in the case of many others who got help. and his severe concussions were acquired entertaining all of us over the years. Linda says he can say something in one hour, and totally forgot he said it 2 hours later. i do hope we can all band together and give just a little that may up in the end being a lot and a life saver for Rico. he needs our help. he deserves our help. those of us who loved him and were entertained by him. he is one year younger than me and looked 20 years younger. Linda says we would not recognize him now. please help me help him and rattle a few cages. thank you all very much. KB

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