Edge on if there will be a second season of his WWE Network show, WWE career, more

WWE Hall of Famer Edge recently spoke with CraveOnline to promote the new WWE Studios’ “Interrogation” film, which was released on DVD, Blu-ray and on-demand on Tuesday. During the interview, he was asked if there was going to be a second season of The Edge and Christian Show. Edge explained that it all comes down to timing.

“Yeah, it’s really just a matter of timing, honestly. Now that I’m filming Vikings it’s going to be a lot more difficult to squeeze it in and the only thing that Jay [Christian] and I want to do with a second season is have it all written beforehand because a lot of this was writing as we went because of the time constraints. Initially, we were told we would have a pilot episode and one week to film it to flesh out what the show was and get on board with the other producers. Then we got up there and they needed three episodes in three days [laughs].”

When asked what was the one thing that he got away with during his WWE career that he couldn’t believe, Edge stated that it was the flaming table spot with Mick Foley at WrestleMania 22 in 2006.

“Probably diving into the flaming table. It was my idea, stupidly and of course, I knew Mick [Foley] would be in because he’s just as stupid as I am. I didn’t think everybody else would sign off on that [laughs] but when everyone did, I was surprised. To pull it off with only a few burns and some burnt hair [laughs] is one where I’m like ‘How did we pull that off?’ How did it get through all of the levels that it had to? The margin for error in that was so miniscule.”

When asked being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and his other accomplishments in his career, Edge explained that he enjoyed every part of his time in WWE.

“I don’t really think about hanging my hat, per se. It was what it was and it was great and I did more than I ever expected to and at the end of the day it was fun. I enjoyed every part of it; from the tag team to the singles stuff to eventually ending it all with Christian and I back together again. That seemed fitting. It was a good time [laughs].”

You can read the entire interview here.

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