Partial spoilers for next Thursday’s episode of Impact Wrestling

TNA held an Impact Wrestling TV taping on Friday afternoon from Orlando, FL at Universal Studios. Here are the spoilers that should air next Thursday:

– Aron Rex and Rockstar Spud walked down to the ring, and they have been re-branded as a Liberace + valet type of unit. Spud is now wearing a powder blue doorman suit while Rex was wearing a long white fur coat with oversized, sparkly rings on most of his fingers. Rex cut a promo about how Spud has been reborn, and it’s not about violence in 2017. This led to Robbie E walking out and getting attacked by Rex and Spud.

– Singles Match: Braxton Sutter defeated Mike Bennett. Allie comes out midway through the match as an equalizer against Maria Kanellis.

– TNA Knockouts Champion Rosemary cuts a promo in the ring, but Jade interrupts her and wants another title shot. Rosemary challenges Jade to a Monster’s Ball match. Rosemary goes on the attack after Jade accepts the challenge.

– Tag Team Title Match: The Hardys defeated The Wolves to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles. Dissension between The Wolves starts brewing to set up a Davey Richards heel-turn on Edwards.

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