Here is why WWE pulled The Fiend Bray Wyatt’s full entrance from YouTube/Facebook

On Sunday night after SummerSlam, the most-watched video of the night on WWE’s YouTube channel was Bray Wyatt entrance.

However, sometime on Monday, the videos were deleted from all of WWE’s social media accounts including Facebook and YouTube. Later, they uploaded a shorter version of his entrance. The shorter version did not include his head lantern that is supposed to signify the “death” of the old Bray Wyatt.

That led to speculation from fans that WWE has decided to back away from having Wyatt carry the lantern to the ring but that’s not the case at all.

I was told that the reason why the full entrance was pulled was that they wanted to capitalize on sales of the theme song on music platforms like Spotify and iTunes.

The remixed theme song, titled “Let Me In” by Code Orange, is among the most popular new tracks on iTunes. In fact, it’s been out for just a few days and it’s already in the top 30 and it has over 350,000 views on YouTube which would put it on track to be one of the most popular uploads on the WWEMusic channel.

WWE also sent out cease and desist notices to anyone who has posted copies of the song or his SummerSlam entrance on their social media accounts.

I was told that Vince McMahon loves everything about the character and The Fiend is going to be treated as a special attraction like The Undertaker (that is why the announcers compared him to Taker on Sunday) so you won’t see him wrestling on Raw every week. The idea is to keep him special and most of his matches will take place on pay-per-view.

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