Daniel Bryan’s dog Josie has passed away

We send out condolences to Daniel Bryan on the passing of his dog Josie.

Bryan wrote on Instagram: “On Wednesday I posted a picture of Josie, happy and playful. Less than 18 hours after taking that picture, I was rushing her to the emergency vet, where she passed shortly thereafter. Our family is devastated. But in this grief, I try to focus on gratitude, because our sweet Josie gave me so much. To Bri and I, Josie was our first baby, and Josie turned us from a couple into a family. When I was going through a mental breakdown and no one else could get through to me, Josie held me together. Feeding her, walking her and playing with her gave me purpose, and her nurturing affection started healing my heart. When I got neck surgery and I was alone and afraid, I envisioned Josie sitting on my chest, as she would often do, licking my nose, and that gave me comfort and courage. Josie made me laugh when I was sad, nurtured me when I was hurting, and brought joy to my heart on a daily basis. Thank you Josie, for the joy you brought our family. Thank you Josie, for loving me the way that you did when I needed it most. We miss you deeply. We love you deeply. Always.”


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