WATCH: Triple H on rumors of Edge and Paige possibly returning to the ring

Triple H was asked about the rumors of Edge and Paige possibly returning to the ring while doing a media scrum. Gary Cassidy of was there and posted videos of Triple H talking about these two situations that have been heavily talked about as of late. 

Although Edge has denied rumors of making a return, there are several indications through reports that he is likely to make a return. For more on that, click here. 

On the flip side, on Twitter, Paige been teasing something big coming up soon.

Triple H started out by talking about how WWE has a team of medical experts that determine whether talent is medically cleared to compete in the ring. 

He brought up the situation with Daniel Bryan having a history of concussions and no one thinking that he could ever return in WWE. He brought up Bryan working extremely hard to get in the right shape to be able to perform again safely and that the same experts who didn’t clear him eventually did. 

“Who wouldn’t want them to return? I’m a fan just like everyone else. I would love to see them step into a ring and compete. More importantly than that, though, I’d like to see them live long and healthy lives.”

Triple H added that while performing in WWE is great, it’s not everything as these are people. He noted Edge has kids and joked that Paige probably does as well but she doesn’t know about them.

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