The Undertaker: I Was Probably One Of The Original Paul Heyman Guys

On the latest “Six Feet Under” video posted on YouTube, “The Undertaker” Mark Calaway talked about what Paul Heyman has done for him and Heyman being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Taker and Heyman’s history dates back to when Heyman managed him in WCW before signing with the WWF.

“Well deserved,’ Calaway said about Heyman’s WWE Hall of Fame induction. “Not only has he got a brilliant mind, like a brilliant wrestling mind, but man, even for as long as he’s been involved in the business and around, he’s still so passionate. He’s one of those guys, like Paul Bearer was the same way with me. When he was managing Brock and obviously now he’s managing Roman Reigns, I mean, he is so invested in those guys and their well being and their decision making. For somebody who has been in the business for as long as I have, I’m the most out of touch person with trends and how things are referenced. Like, I didn’t even know there was a thing until maybe the last five to ten years that it was a thing to be a Paul Heyman guy.”

“I was probably one of the originals and not even really aware of it because he was managing me when I went solo in WCW after Danny left. They put Paul with me. He was so instrumental in keeping me sane because I was so frustrated there with what they were doing with me and obviously, the infamous meeting that I had with WCW’s upper management. He was such an advocate for me in the sense of getting me to Bruce, who would eventually get me to Vince and that whole thing. He was a little better off than I was. I wasn’t making any money. A lot of times he would just pick up the rental cars instead of splitting it. He helped me out when he could, but the biggest contribution on my part with him was just that connection to get me out of WCW and into an opportunity with WWE.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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