Rumor killer on Seth Rollins’ WWE future

On the post-WWE WrestleMania 39 episode of Raw, Seth Rollins came out to do a promo but never spoke a word.

He walked out to the ring, and they cut to a commercial. During the break, Rollins, who had a microphone in his hand, was seen talking to the production crew, and he was clearly told something that upset him.

Once the show was back on the air, Rollins had his arms open while the crowd chanted his theme song before Rollins just left the ring. There was speculation at the time that it appeared that his segment was one of many to be changed by Vince McMahon, as it looks like Rollins was prepared to do a promo. McMahon reportedly made changes to the Raw script before and during the show.

Former WWE writer Freddie Prinze Jr. talked about the situation on a recent edition of his Wrestling With Freddie podcast. It appears Prinze’s comments were taken out of context by making it seem like Prinze had been told that Rollins stormed out of the event right after the promo.

“Instead of cutting a promo, he just throws the mic out of the ring and walked out — and walked out of the friggin’ show, ” Prinze stated (H/T to Wrestling Inc).

Rollins didn’t appear on this week’s episode of Raw, nor was he a talent that had his flight delayed getting to the show as it doesn’t live in Florida, which is where the problem with other talent came from.

Either way, the WRKD Wrestling Twitter account noted that Rollins has no plans to leave the company:

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