Free agent Allison Danger: ‘Give me a budget and a women’s division and let me put this notebook of ideas to work’

Allison Danger announced on Twitter that she is available and ready to run a women’s division. Danger, the sister of Steve Corino, was released by WWE last January as part of company budget cuts. 

Last July, Danger wrote about how difficult it has been for her family after WWE released her just months after she was signed. Danger noted how her family uprooted their life and moved to the east coast after she was hired by WWE. While speaking on Renee Paquette’s podcast, Danger said, “I feel like I got brought to Florida, and then left to die because now my family is split. We’re struggling through that. I’m still now, five months out, I have nothing to show for it, and I still have no idea what I’m going to do. This has been a rock bottom year.”

Hopefully, things start to look up in 2023. She wrote on Twitter:

“Give me a budget and a women’s division and let me put this notebook of ideas to work.

Time to change the game and set women blazing forward.

The generations before me crawled so mine could walk. We walk so this generation can run. Let me run it.”

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