Ric Flair is glad Vince McMahon is back, says AEW should put the Tag Titles on Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal

On the latest “To Be The Man” podcast, WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair commented on some current wrestling events.

Flair on Charlotte possibly eclipsing the record of winning 16 World Championships:

“I’m glad Ashley is with WWE. She couldn’t be more successful. I mean, 14 times guys. To me, it’s very realistic that she wins or actually surpasses the 16 goal. I think that would be on her plate and I think it’s something that is very possible.

Conrad said The Jericho Appreciation society showed up at PWG. He then asked Ric if he thinks WWE would ever show up at independent events.

Flair said, “No. Why would they? Why would they endorse something else? I’m the first to say that I don’t know everything, but I’ve never heard of the company you’re talking about. They may have never heard of me, but I don’t think that’s the case. Right now, I’m focusing on the fact that two hours of Flair is worth more than two hours of live TV.”

Conrad said, “What Flair is talking about is a graphic from WWE.’ It said:

1) “WWE content on Peacock was taken over by Ric Flair during the holidays, over 70% of all content viewed included Ric.”

2) “Wooooo! Becoming Ric Flair is quickly becoming the most watched WWE original hour on Peacock”.

3) “Woooooo! Becoming Ric Flair is on track to beat WWE Evil as the #1 Documentary on WWE Peacock.”

4) “88% Audience score on Rotten tomatoes.”

Ric said, “That’s over a million views on the first day. It could be like a very minuscule RAW rating, and for sure an AEW rating. The first day it had a million views. That’s what I’ve been told.”

Flair thinks AEW should put the tag team titles on Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal:

“I think they looked great together. I said Jeff is a working fool and I’ve always been a huge fan of Jay Lethal. To me, it wouldn’t be a bad move to put the titles on them.”

Conrad said people really hate Jeff Jarrett. Flair responded, “Because he knows how to old school talk. He knows how to be a heel. He doesn’t give a sh*t. He’s gonna piss people off. I’m sure they have given Jeff free hand to interview and say what he thinks, and that’s where the heat comes. Once again, if you don’t feel it, when you walk out there, whether it’s, and obviously it’s not real animosity, but he is saying things that make people mad.”

On Sami Zayn:

“When I first saw Sami Zayn, I should have realized that was good. He got so much heat with me. I couldn’t stand his character. Now, I love him, but at first, I was like, ‘What the hell are they doing’, and here he is. He’s entertaining as sh*t. I stand corrected. I think he’s great. When I first looked at it, I thought this is such a serious faction.”

On if he thinks Vince McMahon is back to sell the WWE:

“I’m personally glad he’s back. I don’t begin to know, There’s only a few people that do know and I’m not one of them. I honestly believe that he lives and breathes the business and he just said to himself, ‘I own all this stuff. It’s mine. I built it. I want back in’, and I don’t blame him. Thirty years of being on TV on RAW. Think about that. Thirty years. I mean, it’s unbelievable. I hope he walks out that door in Philadelphia, busts the door open, stands there, and struts down that aisle and says, ‘I’m back.’ The place would go crazy. I guarantee it. That will be a rating.”

Conrad told Ric, ‘You were the front page of ESPN more than anything else in combat sports or pro wrestling or whatever last year.”

Flair said, “In 2022,” Conrad said, “Yes.’ Flair said, “For the whole year.” Conrad said, “Yes.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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