WWE NXT Results for September 6, 2022

September 6th, 2022
Capital Wrestling Center
Orlando, Florida

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT, announced for tonight’s show, Axiom will take on Nathan Frazer in a best of three series match, Roxanne Perez will take on Meiko Satomura, Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop will take on Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin, Wes Lee will take on JD McDonough, and Trick Williams will go one-on-one with Ricochet. 

– NXT starts off with a video package highlighting the events at Worlds Collide 2022. 

– Tyler Bate makes his entrance, Bate thanks all of the fans from the bottom of his heart for supporting NXT UK from the beginning, Bate says that Bron Breakker proved that he is Breakker by nature on Saturday, Bate says that he hopes he represented NXT UK to the best of his abilities, Gallus then interrupts, Wolfgang says that Bate should be apologizing to everyone back home in the UK, Bate then asks Gallus where their unified tag titles are, Gallus then attacks Bate, Bron Breakker then makes the save, Bron then hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Joe Coffey, Bron challenges Gallus to take him and Bate on in a tag team match tonight. 

Match 1: Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne vs Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop 

– The match starts off with Nikki and Gigi, Nikki then slams Gigi face first into the top turnbuckle, followed by a dropkick, Jayne then throws Nikki down by her hair, Nikki then hits a dropkick on Jayne, followed by a bulldog, Nikki then hits a neckbreaker on Gigi, Jayne then pushes Nikki off of the top rope, Jayne then hits a running cannonball from the apron onto Nikki, Gigi then hits an apron punt kick to the chest of Doudrop as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Jayne hit a cannonball onto Gigi in the corner, Jayne then hits a neckbreaker on Nikki, Doudrop then throws Jayne onto Gigi, Doudrop then hits a senton on Jayne into Gigi, Doudrop then hits a back suplex on Gigi, followed by a corner cannonball, Nikki then traps Jayne in the apron skirt, Doudrop then hits a michinoku driver on Gigi, followed by a crossbody on a seated Gigi to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winners via pinfall: Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H. at 10:47.

Match 2: JD McDonough vs Wes Lee

– The match starts off with JD locking in a headlock on Wes, Lee then hits two armdrags on JD, JD then throws down Lee by his hair from the apron, Lee then dropkicks JD to the outside, Lee then hits a dive over the top rope onto JD as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see JD lock Lee in a resthold, Lee then hits a leaping kick to the face of JD, followed by a double footstomp to the spine of JD, Lee then hits a tope suicida on JD, Lee then hits a meteora on JD to secure a nearfall, JD then hits a headbutt to the face of Lee, JD then hits a leaping back suplex on Lee to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: JD McDonough at 9:38. 

Match 3: Roxanne Perez vs Meiko Satomura 

– The match starts off with both women shaking hands, Meiko then hits a leaping shoulder tackle on Perez, followed by a double knee to the jaw of Perez to secure a nearfall, Perez then takes down Meiko with an armdrag, Perez then locks Meiko in an STF but Meiko is able to reach the bottom rope, Perez then hits a dropkick on Meiko, followed by a tope suicida to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see both women exchange a series of forearms, Meiko then hits a sidekick to the head of Perez, Perez then hits a russian legsweep on Meiko to secure a nearfall, Meiko then hits a spinning heelkick to the face of Perez, Perez then hits a top rope hurricarana on Meiko to secure a nearfall, Meiko then hits a pele kick on Meiko, followed by the Scorpio rising to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Meiko Satomura at 11:20. 

– After the match, Cora Jade hits Roxanne Perez in the back with a kendostick, Meiko then makes the save, causing Cora to retreat up the ramp.

Match 4: Ricochet vs Trick Williams 

– The match starts off with Ricochet hitting a baseball slide on Trick, followed by a chop to the chest of Trick on the announce table as Carmelo Hayes does commentary, Trick then hits a back kick to the head of Ricochet, followed by a strong Irish whip into the corner, Trick then catches Ricochet in midair with a right hand to secure a nearfall, Trick then slams Ricochet face first into the announce table three times, Trick then hits a neckbreaker on Ricochet, Ricochet then hits a springboard crossbody on Trick, Ricochet then hits a flying closeline on Trick, followed by the recoil and a shooting star press from the top rope to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Ricochet at 5:12.

– Stacks and Tony D’Angelo attempt to recruit Cameron Grimes but Grimes throws tea on Stacks instead, Tony then hits a sideslam on Grimes through a table. 

– The Creed Brothers vs Pretty Deadly for the NXT tag team championships is announced for next week, the WWE fans will get to decide on the stipulation. 

Match 5: Axiom vs Nathan Frazer

– The match starts off with both men locking up, Axiom then takes down Nathan with an armlock, Axiom then locks Nathan in a headlock, Nathan then hits a running dropkick on Axiom, followed by a tope suicida as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Axiom land a kick to the shoulder of Frazer, Axiom then hits a tope suicida on Nathan on the outside, Axiom then hits a crossbody from the top rope to secure a nearfall, Nathan then hits a swinging neckbreaker on Axiom, Frazer then hits an inverted DDT on Axiom to secure a nearfall, Nathan then hits a slingblade on Axiom, Axiom then stomps on the back of Nathan, Nathan then locks Axiom in a boston crab but Axiom is able to reach the bottom rope, Axiom then hits a leaping sidekick to the face of Frazer to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Axiom at 11:47.

Match 6: Gallus vs Tyler Bate and Bron Breakker 

– The match starts off with Bron and Joe Coffey, Bron then hits a closeline on Coffey, Bate then hits a rolling swanton off the shoulder of Bron onto Joe, Bate then locks Mark in a headlock, Bate then hits a dropkick on Joe, Bron and Bate then hit a suplex on Joe and Mark, both Bron and Bate then hit standing moonsaults as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Bate lock Mark in a headlock, Bate then hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissiors on Mark, followed by a dropkick and a dive to the outside, Wolfgang then slams Bate back first into the ringpost, Coffey then hits a backbreaker on Bate to secure a nearfall, Coffey then hits a suplex on Bate, Coffey then locks Bate in a bearhug, Bron then hits two shoulder tackles on Joe, followed by a belly-to-belly suplex, Bron then hits a spinebuster on Mark, Bate then hits a bulldog on Coffey off the shoulders of Bron, Bron then hits a spear on Coffey, Bate then hits the tiger driver 97′ on Coffey to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winners via pinfall: Tyler Bate and Bron Breakker at 10:52.

– After the match, JD McDonough attacks Tyler Bate, JD then hits a side suplex on Bate, Bron then makes the save for Bate, causing JD to retreat through the crowd.

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