WWE NXT Worlds Collide Results: Live Coverage

WWE Worlds Collide
September 4th, 2022
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Florida 

We are live with our ongoing coverage of WWE NXT Worlds Collide. 

Main Card: 

NXT North American championship: Carmelo Hayes (c) vs Ricochet 

– The match starts off with men locking up, both men then exchange headlock takeovers, Ricochet then hits a standing dropkick to the face of Hayes, Hayes then racks Ricochet’s arm against the second rope, Ricochet then hits Hayes with a chop against the barricade, Hayes then hits a stiff chop on Ricochet in the corner, Hayes then hits a superkick to the face of Ricochet to secure a nearfall, Hayes then hits a springboard closeline on Ricochet to secure yet another nearfall, both men then hit each other with springboard crossbodies, Ricochet then hits an enziguri on Hayes, Ricochet then superkicks Hayes in the face, Ricochet then hits the recoil on Hayes, Ricochet then goes for the pin but Trick Williams pulls Haye’s leg under the bottom rope, Ricochet then hits a top rope superplex on Hayes, Hayes then hits a codebreaker on Ricochet to secure a nearfall, Ricochet then hits a poisonrana on Hayes, Ricochet then goes for the shooting star press from the top rope but Hayes counters it into a rollup to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL North American champion: Carmelo Hayes at 15:57

NXT & NXT UK tag team championships: The Creed Brothers (c) vs Pretty Deadly vs Gallus vs Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen (c)

– The match starts off with Briggs and Julius, Briggs then hits a sidewalk slam on Julius, followed by a slash, Brutus then takes down Wolfgang, Fallon Henley and Lash Legend then brawl on the outside, Briggs then closeslines Pretty Deadly to the outside, Wolfgang then throws Mark Coffey into everyone on the outside, Jensen then hits a spinning sidekick to the face of Wolfgang, Coffey then pins Brooks Jensen to secure the first elimination at 4:43, Pretty Deadly and Gallus then team up to beat down The Creed Brothers, Pretty Deadly and Gallus then brawl in the ring, Mark then hits a sidekick to the face of Prince, Brutus then takes out Prince with a pounce, Julius then hits a closeline on a seated Wolfgang to secure the elimination at 8:38, Wilson then stomps on the knee of Brutus, Julius then makes the hot tag, hitting a spinebuster on Wilson, Gallus then brawls with Brooks.and Jensen on the ramp, Julius then hits a suplex on Prince, Julius then hits an Olympic slam on Prince, Wilson then tries to use a steel chair but Damon Kemp takes him out with a spear, Kemp then hits Julius in the back with the steel chair before taking him out with a backbreaker, Prince then pins Julius to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners and NEW NXT & NXT UK tag team champions: Pretty Deadly at 15:06. 

NXT & NXT UK women’s championship: Meiko Satomura (c) vs Mandy Rose (c) vs Blair Davenport

– The match starts off with Blair and Mandy doubleteaming Meiko, both then hit a doubleteam back elbow to the face of Meiko, Meiko then hits a spinning heel kick to the face if Blair, Blair then suplexes Meiko on the outside, Blair then hits a hurricarana on Mandy, followed by a dropkick to the back to secure a nearfall, Meiko then trips Blair on the apron, Meiko then lands a series of kicks to the chest of Blair against the steel steps, Blair then stomps on the spine of Mandy, Blair then kicks Meiko on the side of the head, Mandy then hits a closeline on Meiko, Meiko then hits a sidekick to the side of Mandy’s head to secure a nearfall, Mandy then hits a spinebuster on Meiko, Blair then hits a northern lights suplex on Meiko, Rose then hits a superplex on Blair, Meiko then hits a splash from the top rope onto Blair, Meiko then hits a series of running closelines on Mandy and Meiko In the corner, Meiko then hits a double team DDT Mandy and Blair, Meiko then hits a double Satomura special on Blair and Mandy, Blair then hits a knee to the face of Meiko to secure a nearfall, Blair then hits a missle dropkick on Meiko, Mandy then hits a knee to the face of Blair to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and NXT & NXT UK women’s champion: Mandy Rose at 13:18.

NXT women’s tag team championships: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter (c) vs Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H.

– The match starts off with Nikki and Kayden, Nikki then takes down Kayden by her hair, followed by a closeline to secure a one count, Doudrop then drops Kayden on top of Chance, followed by a senton to secure a nearfall, Doudrop then splashes Chance against the apron, Nikki then hits a neckbreaker on Chance, Doudrop then hits an elbow drop on Chance, Nikki then hits a tornado DDT on Carter, Chance then hits a double footstomp on Nikki to secure a nearfall, Doudrop then goes for a superplex but Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne attempt to interfere, Nikki then takes them out with a crossbody from the apron, Chance then pins Doudrop to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winners via pinfall and STILL NXT women’s tag team champions: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter at 10:20. 

NXT & NXT UK championship: Bron Breakker (c) vs Tyler Bate (c)

– The match starts off with Bron locking Bate in a headlock, Bate then rolls up Bron with a backslide to secure a nearfall, both men are then back up to their feet, Bate then takes down Bron with an armlock, Bate then hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissiors on Bron, Bate then takes out Bron with a dive over the top rope, Bron then hits a leaping bulldog on Bate from the second rope, followed by a sit-down powerbomb to secure a nearfall, both men then exchange a series of punches, Bron then puts Bate in an armbar, Bate then spins around with Bron on his shoulder, Bate then hits a rebound closeline on Bron, Bate then hits the Tyler Driver 97′ to secure a nearfall, Bron then hits a powerslam on Bate but Bate is able to get his leg on the bottom rope, Bron then pins Bate to become the unified NXT UK champion. 

Winner via pinfall and NXT & NXT UK champ: Bron Breakker

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