Backstage news on Johnny Gargano’s WWE return, talent and staff not told beforehand

As many of you saw tonight, Johnny Gargano returned to WWE Raw. His return was a complete surprise, even for people who work in the company.

Fightful reports that Gargano’s name was not listed on any of the rundown sheets because they wanted to keep his appearance a secret. It was noted that talent and people in production did not know he was there and they found out when he walked through the curtain.

Gargano had left the company last December to recharge his batteries and to spend time with his wife Candice LeRae, who gave birth in February. Gargano had maintained contact with people in the company and at the time of his exit, the word was that Shawn Michaels and Triple H wanted him to stay but they respected his wishes to take some time off. 

Obviously, Gargano’s chances of returning increased when Vince McMahon stepped down and Triple H took over as Head of Creative. There were rumors about interest from AEW and Impact Wrestling but Gargano opted to spend time with his family so it wasn’t likely that he would have signed with those companies this year. 

Gargano kicked off a feud with Theory tonight on Raw. Both men worked together in NXT as part of “The Way” stable. If you missed it, click below to see the video of Gargano’s WWE return. Click here for WWE Monday Night Raw results.

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