AEW Dynamite Results for August 17, 2022

AEW Dynamite
August 17th, 2022
The Charleston Coliseum
Charleston, West Virginia

 Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Dynamite, which is emanating from The Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, West Virginia, announced for tonight’s show, Andrade El Idolo will team up with Rush and Dragon Lee to take on The Young Bucks and a mystery partner in a first round trios tag team championship tournament match, Toni Stoni will take on KiLynn King, The Gunn Club will take on The Varsity Blonds, and Bryan Danielson will take on Daniel Garcia in a two-out-three falls match with Ricky Steamboat the special timekeeper.

– AEW Dynamite starts off with CM Punk, Punk says that all of the fans make him smile, Punk says that he has some business to take care of, Punk then challenges “Hangman” Adam Page to a championship rematch right now, Punk then calls Page a coward, Punk says that everyone wants to be the champ until it’s time to do champ things, Punk says that Moxley has always been number two, Punk says that he’s broken bones in the last six months and Moxley hasn’t, Punk says that Eddie is the third best Eddie he’s wrestled and the second best Kingston he’s shared a locker room with, Punk says that Moxley isn’t the first John he’s going to beat for a championship belt, Moxley then interrupts, Moxley says that Punk is writing checks with his mouth that his body can’t cash, Moxley says that he’s the heart and soul of AEW, Moxley says that Punk came to AEW because he ran out of money and fighting spirit, Punk says that he’s afraid if he touches Moxley now he will bleed all over him, both men then exchange a series of punches, officials and security then come out to break both men up. 

– Chris Jericho makes his entrance to do commentary for the next match.

Match 1: Two-out-Three Falls match: Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Garcia

Round 1: 

– Round 1 starts off with Bryan taking down Moxley with an anklepick, Bryan then locks in a kneebar on Garcia, both men then exchange a series of boots to the face and chest, Garcia then slaps Bryan in the corner as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Bryan land a series of forearms and kicks on Garcia in the corner, followed by a running corner dropkick and a top rope hurricarana, both men then exchange a series of uppercuts, Garcia then locks Bryan in an armbar, Bryan then hits a sidesuplex to secure a nearfall, Garcia then hits a sidesuplex on Bryan on the outside, Garcia then lands a series of elbows to the side of Bryan’s face, Garcia then hits a piledriver on Bryan, Garcia then locks in the dragonsleeper on Bryan, Bryan then passes out, giving Garcia the first fall at 9:20.

Round 2: 

– Round 2 starts off with Garcia landing a series of stomps on Bryan in the corner, Garcia then lands a series of chops to the chest of Bryan in the corner as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Garcia land a series of stomps to a downed Bryan, Bryan then lands a series of kicks to the leg of Garcia, Bryan then rolls up Garcia to secure the second fall at 15:10.

Round 3:

– Round 3 starts off with Bryan landing a series of elbows to the side of Garcia’s head, followed by a german suplex from the top rope, Bryan then hits a missle dropkick on Garcia from the top rope, Bryan then hits a tope suicida on Garcia, Bryan then sends Garcia face first into the ringpost, Bryan Is then able to get back into the ring at the count of nine as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Garcia lock Bryan in a sharpshooter, Garcia then hits a running dropkick on Bryan in the corner, Garcia then hits a running knee to the face of Bryan to secure a nearfall, both men then exchange a series of forearms, Bryan then lands a series of forearms to the side of Garcia’s head, Garcia then lands a series of stomps to the face of Bryan, Bryan then lands a series of stomps to the face of Garcia, Bryan then locks Garcia in the LeBell lock, Garcia then passes out, giving Bryan the third and final fall at 25:57. 

Winner via pinfall: Bryan Danielson at 25:57.

– After the match, Bryan Danielson attempts to show respect to Garcia but Jericho attacks Bryan from behind, Garcia then pulls Jericho off of Bryan, causing Jericho to retreat. 

– Tony Nese attempts to makes his entrance for competition but Moxley attacks him from behind, Moxley then calls out CM Punk once again, Punk then comes out and both men brawl once again before being separated by security and officials. 

Match 2: The Gunn Club vs The Varsity Blonds

– The match starts off with Colten hitting a swinging neckbreaker to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Colten and Austin Gunn at 0:31.

– After the match, Billy says that he is proud of Austin and Colten, all three then hug, Stokely Hathaway then comes out to distract Billy from the ramp, Austin and Colten then attack Billy from behind, The Acclaimed then make the save, The Acclaimed then celebrate with Billy. 

– Jungle Boy makes his entrance, Jungle Boy says that he wore a shirt that he got in trouble for and told not to wear again, Jungle Boy says that Christian has done absolutely nothing, Jungle Boy then challenges Christian Cage to a match at All Out, Christian then interrupts, Christian declines Jungle Boy’s challenge, Christian says that he said and did some things that he didn’t mean, Christian says that he wants to fix this and go on another run, Christian says that he loves Jungle Boy and he’s a son to him, Jungle Boy then takes down Christian before landing a series of punches to the face of Christian, Christian then tries to retreat but Jungle Boy drags him by his foot, Christian then hits a lowblow on Jungle Boy on the outside, Jungle Boy then sends Christian into the steel steps, followed by a stomp on the arm of Christian on the steel steps. 

Match 3: KyLynn King vs Toni Storm 

– The match starts off with both women locking up, KiLynn then takes down Toni with a headlock takeover, Toni then hits a dropkick on KiLynn, KiLynn then sends Toni into the apron and barricade back first as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Toni land a series of forearms to the face of KiLynn, KiLynn then hits a spinebuster on Toni to secure a nearfall, Toni then hits a german suplex on KiLynn, followed by a running hipattack in the corner, Toni then hits a tornado DDT on KiLynn to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Toni Storm at 6:48. 

Match 4: Andrade El Idolo, Rush, and Dragon Lee vs The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega 

– The match starts off with Nick and Dragon Lee locking up, Nick then hits an armdrag from the top rope on Lee, followed by a running bulldog, Matt then hits a dropkick on Rush, Kenny then lands ten punches on Lee in the corner, Matt then hits a neckbreaker onto the knee of Nick on Lee, Andrade and Omega then square off, Rush and Andrade then beat down Omega as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Nick hit an armdrag on Andrade and Rush from the top rope, Nick then hits two northern lights suplexes on Lee, The Bucks and Omega then suplex Andrade, Lee, and Rush, Nick then hits a corkscrew from the top rope to the outside, Matt then hits a top rope elbow drop on Lee, Lee then hits a suplex on Nick in the corner, Andrade then hits a running knee strike on Matt in the corner, Rush, Lee, and Andrade all hit dropkicks on Matt as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Rush hit a kick to the face of Matt In the corner, Matt then hits a superkick on Lee, Omega then hits a suplex on Rush, Lee, and Andrade, The Bucks and Omega then hits a triple superkick on Lee, Lee then hits a tope suicida on Omega into the crowd, Lee then hits a hurricarana on Nick off the apron, Andrade then hits a moonsault on Omega from the second rope to secure a nearfall, Omega then hits the V-Trigger on Lee, Omega then hits the one-winged angel on Lee to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks at 20:53. 

– After the match, Andrade hits an underhook DDT on Lee. 

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