Jeff Jarrett: Cody Rhodes Telling The Rock To Go F*ck Yourself “Just Wasn’t Needed At All”

On his “My World” podcast, Jeff Jarrett discussed the nickname “Break-A-Wish” that some fans have given John Cena since his heel turn:

“It resonates. It’s certainly not, ‘Confuse them, you lose them’. It’s the opposite of that. Everybody understands that. Will it, in this politically charged environment… At the end of the day, it goes without saying, and I’ve said it a bunch on My World, yes, we’re pop culture, but people understand more now than ever that we’re theater. We really are Shakespeare to the masses. So I just don’t think there’s going to be the offense that there could have been even 2, 3, 4. 5, years ago. I just don’t think it’s going to happen today because of John Cena and his legitimate record of setting all the Make-A-Wish records and The Rock and the brand and WWE and the industry as a whole. We’re on seven nights a week, so we’re in people’s homes. People understand who and what we are.”

Regarding Cody Rhodes telling The Rock to “go f**k himself,” Jarrett stated:

“Not needed. That’s my gut reaction. What’s the upside? What did you get out of it? It just wasn’t needed at all.”

You can listen to the podcast now at

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