Jeff Jarrett On John Cena: “I Don’t See This As A Long Term Heel Run”

On the latest “My World” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett announced he will be on the board for the rebooted video game manufacturer Acclaim:

“I am so damn excited about this opportunity. I guess you could say I’m marrying two of my worlds. I’ve never been the biggest gamer, but the business of gaming, I have been fascinated with way, way back. I was attached to a WWF Acclaim game, and then obviously the TNA Midway game, and then my work with WrestleQuest and Mega Cat. Acclaim, the pieces of the puzzle kind of came together. They reached out and I jumped at it man. I could not be more thrilled to see where this opportunity takes me.”

Jeff Jarrett believes the John Cena heel turn could freshen up the whole WWE roster:

“From the creative perspective, the one thing I was taught is that when you pull that trigger on said heel or babyface and he jumps the fence, it has the ability to freshen up the entire roster in almost a magical way. His interactions with Gunther are going to be different. You just have all kind of segments throughout the entire roster, so you have to kind of think through all that. Are there any matchups that we’ve missed that we should go capitalize on, should go monetize on? You could just kind of see quite a few of those pieces of puzzle already falling into place.”

On the Cena turn elevating Cody Rhodes:

“They’re banking on a massive WrestleMania. I think what Rock is sprinkled in there is that this is ultimately business wise, yes, it’s best for the brand and lifts everything, but man, oh man. You talk about taking Cody to another level. You can see him getting a lead in a Hollywood film, like he’s getting up into that stratosphere, not just the top baby face. I couldn’t be happier for the guy, but man, I just think the depth of the roster and the way they’re navigating things, Cody as the brand is going to benefit the most. Cena, unless he calls off his retirement tour, which he could, he’s exiting. So I don’t see this as a long term heel run. I don’t think he’s going to break away too much from what brought him to the dance. I think it’s short term, but they’re hammered down to Vegas.”

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