Rob Van Dam appeared on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including facing John Cena at ECW One Night Stand where Cena got a heel reaction.
Cena lost the WWE Title to RVD at ECW One Night Stand 2006 to RVD. According to the WWE Hall of Famer, he has high expectations for Cena.
“Yeah, that’s true. He knew what to do that night perfectly at One Night Stand, and he’s really great at what he does. So I think he’s going to really master the heel persona and take it some places that we didn’t expect. By the way I mentioned this before but I had seen him get booed. It wasn’t a lot but leading up to that One Night Stand match there was a town or two, I think it was in Wales the first time that I’ve heard it, was very similar to the vibe in Hammerstein Ballroom. Anyway, that was the first time I saw him get booed and he was great. I don’t know if I told you this story or not, but I’d never seen him [get booed]. Then he was like, ‘Good. That’s right. Boo me. Let me know how you feel. As long as you’re out there in the crowd and you’re expressing yourself and you’re screaming I know you’re having a good time and that’s what it’s all about tonight.’ Obviously he turned them and all of a sudden they were cheering him, I was like wow that’s why he gets paid the big bucks.”
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