Bret Hart’s Brother On Shawn Michaels’ Role At WrestleMania XXX, Shoots On HBK & More

The first son of Stu Hart and the oldest brother of Bret and Owen Hart, Smith Hart has published a new column at Hart talks about Shawn Michaels’ role at WWE WrestleMania XXX, HBK acting like a child, throwing tantrums and Michaels taking more from wrestling than he’s given back. Hart also called HBK Vince McMahon’s “boy.” Here is an excerpt from his entry:

“I have known Shawn for years and seen the evolution of a very talented in ring performer who when given the opportunity to do whatever he wanted, was able to create magic in the ring, yet when told he couldn’t have what he wanted, would act like a child, either phone it in or as in most cases throw a temper tantrum and go home. Yet on the other side of that, Vince McMahon was always ready to welcome “his boy” back with open arms.”
“As we come to such a monumental anniversary as 30, I feel as though it should be all hands on deck to celebrate 30 years of Wrestlemania and utilizing many greats from the past as possible. Mr. Wrestlemania himself, Shawn should be involved. For someone who has claimed such passion for wrestling, I feel in some ways Shawn has taken more from wrestling than he has given back.”
You can read Smith Hart’s column, “The Hart Grapevine” in its entirety at this link.

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