AEW Dynamite: Blood and Guts results for June 29, 2022

AEW Dynamite
June 29th, 2022
The Little Caesars Arena
Detroit, Michigan

Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts, which is emanating from The Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan. Announced for tonight’s show, Jade Cargill will defend her TBS championship against Leila Grey, We will once again hear from Christian Cage, Orange Cassidy will take on Ethan Page, and we will finally get the much anticipated Blood & Guts match between The Jericho Appreciation Society and The Blackpool Combat Club with their newest member, Claudio Castagnoli.

Match 1: Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page

– Before the match, Dan Lambert, Dan says that he’s surprised Cassidy can even pull his pants up, Lambert then makes forces the referee to remove Best Friends from ringside, Lambert claims that its an order from the athletic state commission, the referee then sends them to the back. The match starts off with Cassidy putting his hands in his pockets, Ethan then throws him down but Cassidy kips up, Cassidy then hits a hiptoss on Page, followed by a tope suicida, Cassidy then hits a crossbody from the top for a one count, Page then hits a shoulder block on Cassidy, Ethan than forces Cassidy’s hands in his pants, Page then hits a suplex on Cassidy, Cassidy then rolls up Page for a two count, Page then hits a big boot, sending Cassidy to the outside, Lambert then mocks the parody kicks on Cassidy as the referee is distracted as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Page send Cassidy in the corner, Cassidy counters and attempts a sunset flip, Page then hits a roundhouse kick on Cassidy, followed by a swinging suplex for a nearfall, Page then goes for the ego’s edge by Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets before countering, Page then goes for the ego’s edge once again but Cassidy counters with a hurricarana, Lambert then grabs the leg of Cassidy, Page then hits a powerslam on Cassidy for a nearfall, Page then lands eight punches to the face of Cassidy, Cassidy then hits the stun dog millionaire on Page, Cassidy then attempts another powerslam but Page counters, Cassidy then hits a tornado DDT for a nearfall, Lambert then gets on the apron, Cassidy then parody pokes Lambert, Cassidy then drinks Lambert’s orange juice, Cassidy then spits orange juice in the face of Lambert,  Cassidy then lands two orange punches on Page, followed by a suplex for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Orange Cassidy at 11:00.

– After the match, Best Friends hugs Orange Cassidy as they give a thumbs up.

– Tony Schiavone then interviews Christian Cage on the ramp, Christian says that he was asked by upper management to come out and Apologize for his remarks about Jungle Boy’s family, Christian says that he’s sorry that Jungle Boy’s entire family isn’t dead, Christian then says everyone but Jungle Boy’s mom because she can call him, Christian then says that the only positive of Detroit is that its next to Canada, Christian then says that he requested a match but its not for him, Christian then introduces a new evil Luchasaurus.

Match 2: Luchasaurus vs Serpentico

– The match starts off with Luchasaurus landing a headbutt on Serpentico, followed by a slam, Luchasaurus then hits an inverted facebuster, Luchasaurus then locks in a modified snare trap to secure the submission victory.

Winner via submission: Luchasaurus at 0:52. 

– After the match, Luchasaurus then chokeslams Serpentico on the outside floor.

– Wardlow tells Scorpio Sky that he will take out every member of American Top Team like they’re security guards, Scorpio then challenges Wardlow to a TNT championship match in a street fight next week.

Match 3: Max Caster, Colten Gunn, and Austin Gunn vs Danhausen and FTR 

– Danhausen says that introduces FTR as his tag partners, The match starts off with Austin Gunn and Cash Wheeler, both men then lock up, Cash then puts Austin in a headlock, Austin then takes Cash down with a shoulder tackle, Cash then hits an inverted atomic drop on Austin, followed by an armdrag, Dax then lands two chops in the corner to the chest of Austin, followed by a suplex, Danhausen then drops an elbow on the back of the head of Austin, Colten then lands a series of kicks to the stomach of Danhausen in the corner, Danhausen then hits a hurricarana on Colten, Danhausen then hits hiptosses on Austin and Max, Colten Gunn then lands a series of punches on Danhausen as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Max Caster put Danhausen in the corner, Danhausen then hits a northern lights suplex on Caster, Max then hits a right hand on Danhausen, followed by a dropkick from Colten for a nearfall, Dax then lands a series of punches on Colten, Austin, and Caster, FTR then hits a series of german suplexes on Austin and Colten, Dax then continues to land German suplexes on Austin, Austin then hits a modified neckbreaker on Dax, Danhausen then hits a big boot on Austin, Billy Gunn then distracts the referee, Anthony Bowens tries to use the crutch on Danhausen but Bowens accidentally hits Austin Gunn, Danhausen then secures the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Danhausen and FTR at 9:31. 

– After the match, FTR and Danhausen destory the wheelchair, Billy Gunn then pushes down Austin Gunn as all men argue.

Sonjay Dutt challenges Samoa Joe to an ROH TV championship match at Death Before Dishonor.

Match 4: TBS championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs Leila Grey

– The match starts off with both women locking up, Jade then lands a series of knees to the stomach of Grey, Jade then hits a fallaway slam on Leila, followed by a kipup, Leila then hits a running jumping knee to Jade in the corner, Jade then counters a running bulldog attempt from Leila, Jade then hits the Jaded to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL TBS champion: Jade Cargill at 1:55. 

– After the match, Jade says that she’s tired of all the women and the fans bitching and moaning, Jade tells Stokely Hathaway to get a real challenge, Stokely says that Leila doesn’t even work here and she accepted the challenge, Stokely then calls Kris Statlander and Athena lazy, Kris and Athena then come out, Athena then hits a shotgun dropkick on Jade, Athena then goes for the top rope stunner on Jade but Leila Grey pushes her off the top rope, the Baddies then lay waste to Kris and Athena, Leila then goes to shake Stokely’s hand but the Baddies leave.

– The Young Bucks challenge Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi to a match Friday night on Rampage.

Match 5: Bloods & Guts match: The Jericho Appreciation Society vs The Blackpool Combat Club

– The match starts off with Claudio Castagnoli and Sammy Guevara, Claudio picks up Guevara and slams him into the corner, Claudio then lands two running uppercuts to Guevara in the corner, Guevara then lands a chop on Claudio, Claudio then hits up uppercut on Sammy, followed by two chops in the corner, Sammy then tries to climb up the cage but Claudio racks Guevara on the ropes, Guevara then jumps to the other ring using the ring ropes, Claudio then lands another uppercut on Sammy, Guevara then hits a cutter in mid-air on Claudio, Sammy and Tay Conti then kiss through the cage, Claudio then puts Guevara in the swing but Daniel Garcia comes in, Garcia lands a two kicks on Claudio in the corner as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Wheeler Yuta get into the match, Wheeler then hits a flying elbow strike on Guevara, Wheeler then hits a series of german suplexes on Garcia, followed by a series of german suplexes on Sammy, Claudio then uppercuts Sammy as Wheeler hits another german suplex, Claudio then throws Garcia by his shirt, Claudio then throws Garcia into the cage, Jake Hager then enters the match, Hager then catches Yuta in mid-air for a slam, Hager then throws Yuta as Claudio throws Garcia, Claudio and Hager then exchange a series of strikes, Garcia and Hager then land a series of kicks to the stomach of Claudio in the corner, Yuta then hits a shotgun dropkick on Hager, Claudio then punches at the midsection of Hager, Hager then lands a series of punches to the top of Claudio’s head, Moxley then enter the match by throwing a chair at the head of Hager, Moxley then hits a release suplex on Guevara, Claudio then bulldogs Hager facefirst into a stair chair, Moxley then rakes the face of Garcia against the cage, Moxley then lands a series of strikes onto the head of Garcia with a fork, Claudio then chokes Guevara on the second rope as we see Garcia has been busted open, Yuta and Moxley then hit a heart attack on Sammy, Claudio then picks up Sammy before throwing him into a cutter from Moxley, Yuta then hits a flying elbow from the top rope onto Guevara, Moxley, Claudio, and Yuta all land a series of elbow strikes on Hager, Garcia, and Guevara, Angelo Parker then enters the match, Parker tries to hide behind the ringpost, Parker then runs from ring-to-ring but Claudio catches him, Claudio then hits Parker with a gut-wrench suplex, Yuta then hits a Michinoku driver on Parker, Moxley and Claudio then take turns landing uppercuts on Parker, Parker then hits Moxley in the back with a chair, followed by a running spear in the corner, Hager then slams the chair on the ankle of Claudio, Hager then chokes Claudio with the chair, Hager then hits Claudio in the back with the chair, Hager then chokes Claudio once again with the chair, Ortiz then enters the match, Ortiz lands a series of closellines on all members of the opposing team, Ortiz then hits a closeline on Guevara, turning him inside out as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Matt Menard enter the ring by hitting Yuta in the head with a chair, Menard then chokes Moxley with the chair after taking out Claudio with the chair, during the break we see that Moxley hit a piledriver on Parker through glass, Moxley then used a piece of the glass on Hager, Menard then slams a bloody Moxley facefirst into the cage, Santana then enters the ring with a table and a barbed wire bat, Santana then lands a series of chops on Menard in the corner, Santana then hits a back suplex on Menard, Parker then slams Yuta facefirst into the face, Moxley then attacks the forehead of Menard with spikes, Menard then hits a series of punches on Moxley, Menard then chokes Moxley with the bat as Yuta and Garcia take turns hitting each other with kendosticks as Jericho enters the match with a bat, Jericho takes out Claudio with a bat but Ortiz ducks, Ortiz then chokes Jericho with the bat, Sammy then hits a flying cutter on Ortiz from the top rope, Hager then hits a powerslam on Yuta, Claudio then hits a fireman’s carry slam on Hager, Garcia then hits a running uppercut on Claudio, Claudio then launches Garcia in the air before hitting an uppercut, Jericho then hits a codebreaker on Claudio, Kingston then comes in with a kendostick, Kingston then comes after Jericho as he tries to escape the cage, Kingston then clubs away on Jericho with the kendo stick, all members of the Jericho Appreciation Society then beat down Kingston, Tay pushes Jericho a bottle of rubbing alcohol, Yuta and Moxley then hit a doomsday device on Garcia, Santana and Ortiz then powerbomb Hager through a table in between the rings, Yuta and Moxley then introduces thumbtacks, Claudio then begins to rip the canvas off one of the ring, Moxley then hits a release suplex on Menard through the thumbtacks as we see a bloody Parker hanging from the cage as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Jericho drags Moxley through the thumbtacks, Jericho then locks in the walls of Jericho on Moxley, Eddie then throws thumbtacks into the face of Jericho, Eddie then sends Jericho face first into the cage, Jericho then uses a fire extinguisher in the face of Eddie, Tay then takes out the referee to take the key, Ruby Soho then comes out, Ruby takes down Conti before landing a series of punches, referee then separate Ruby and Conti, Jericho then climbs to the top of the cages, Kingston then follows him, Eddie then bits Jericho before taking him down with a spinning backfist, Guevara then climbs up the cage, Guevara then takes out Kingston with a series of strikes, Guevara then pushes Kingston’s face against the top of the cage, Kingston then hits a lowblow on Guevara, Kingston then throws Guevara over the cage through a table as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Kingston punching away at Jericho on top of the cage, Jericho then locks in a walls of Jericho on Kingston on top of the cage, Claudio then hits a running big boot to the face of Jericho, Claudio then swings Jericho on top of the cage, Menard then attacks Claudio on top of the cage, Kingston then puts Jericho in the stretch plum as Claudio puts Menard in a sharpshooter, Menard then submits, giving Santana, Ortiz, Eddie Kingston, and The Blackpool Combat Club the submission victory.

Winners via submission: Eddie Kingston, Santana, Ortiz, Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, and Claudio Castagnoli at 45:46. 

-AEW Dynamite ends with Santana, Ortiz, Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, and Claudio Castagnoli celebrating on top of the cages.

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