AEW Dynamite Results for June 22, 2022

AEW Dynamite
June 22nd, 2022
The Panther Arena
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Dynamite, which is emanating from The Panther Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tonight’s show will also serve as the go-home show for Yhe Forbidden Door PPV on Sunday, June 26th. Announced for tonight’s show, Malakai Black will take on Penta Oscuro in a Mid-Atlantic Championship qualifying match, Marina Shafir will take on Toni Storm, we will hear from Christian Cage after he betrayed the Jurassic Express, Orange Cassidy will team up with Roppongi Vice to take on Aussie Open and Will Ospreay, Bryan Danielson will update us on his status for The Forbidden Door and Blood & Guts, and Chris Jericho will team with Lance Archer to battle Jon Moxley and Hiroshi Tanahashi.

– AEW Dynamite kicks off with Tony Schiavone interviewing Bryan Danielson in the ring, Bryan grabs the mic from Tony and says that he’s not going to give it back, Bryan says that this week is a great week to be an AEW fan and a pro wrestling fan, Bryan then hypes up The Forbidden Door PPV and the Blood & Guts match happening next week on Dynamite, Bryan says that Jericho challenged him to a match to prove that he was a better wrestler, Bryan says that he was excited for Blood & Guts so he can get his revenge for Anarchy In The Arena, Bryan then tells us that he’s not cleared to compete at Forbidden Door or at Blood & Guts, Bryan says that there’s no man who can wrestle in this ring like him, Bryan says that he’s a judgmental prick with high standards, Bryan says that he found the one person who he trusts to take his place at Forbidden Door and Blood & Guts, Bryan says that he’s not going to tell us or Zack Sabre Jr. who his replacement is, Zack Sabre Jr then comes out and stares Danielson down from the ramp.

– Jon Moxley says that it will be personal at Blood & Guts for blinding and injuring his friends, Moxley says that he knows they can fight but can they survive? Moxley says that Jericho is driven by money and ego, Moxley says that on Sunday he finally transforms to who he knew he could be when he takes on Tanahashi, Moxley says that its personal because when the bell rings he has no respect for anyone.

Match 1: Aussie Open and Will Ospreay vs Orange Cassidy and Roppongi Vice

– The match starts off with Rocky Romero and Kyle Fletcher, Rocky lands a kick to the stomach of Fletcher, Trent and Mark Davis then lock up, Davis lands a boot to the face of Trent, Orange Cassidy then puts his hands in his pockets, Cassidy then lands a dropkick on Davis, Orange then sends Davis into a doubleteam elbow from Trent and Rocky, Rocky and Cassidy go for suicide dives but both men are caught, Aussie Open then slams them into each other as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Trent land a suplex on Kyle Fletcher, Trent then tags in Orange Cassidy, Cassidy then takes turns kicking the legs of Aussie Open, Cassidy then lands a hurricarana on Aussie Open, Cassidy then lands a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Fletcher, Rocky then hits a hurricarana on Ospreay from the top rope, Cassidy, Rocky, and Trent all dive to the outside, taking out all members of the opposing team, Ospreay then lands a chop to the chest of Cassidy, Ospreay then hits an enzuigiri on Ospreay, Cassidy then counters Ospreay with a stunner, Rocky then lands a hurricarana on Davis, followed by a series of chops, Rocky then hits Kyle with a sliced bread, Ospreay then hits a flying forearm on Ospreay, Roppongi Vice then lands a doubleteam jumping knee to the face of Fletcher, Davis then hits a piledriver on Trent, Davis goes for the pin but Cassidy breaks it up, Ospreay goes for a dive on the outside but lands on his feet, Rocky then hits Ospreay with a crossbody on the outside, Cassidy then hits Kyle Fletcher with the orange punch for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Orange Cassidy and Roppongi Vice at 11:35. 

– After the match, United Empire come out and get on the apron, FTR then come out to even the odds. Will Ospreay’s group then retreats.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring, Tony calls out Christian Cage for an interview. Christian says that he can stand here all night until the fans shut up if they’d like, Christian says that Jungle Boy wasn’t going to get away with eliminating him in the Casino battle royal last year, Christian says that he’s a legend in this business and he deserves respect and not to be booed after getting eliminated, Christian says that he did a background check on Jungle Boy’s social media, Christian says that fans tweet like they know everything about the business, Christian says that likes him going through the drive-thru and telling them how to do their jobs, Christian says that he was going to ride the train until it went dry, Christian says that he came back here to make a ton of money and not to help the younger generation, Christian tells the wrestlers to have a match that everyone remembers after a week, a match that parents would show their kids. Christian says that the one time he didn’t come down with Jungle Boy, he lost the tag titles and now he’s going to have to get his hands dirty, we then see footage of Christian confronting Jungle Boy’s mom and sister, Christian says that she saw her knight and shining armor leave, Christian says that he thinks she wants him to be his new dad, Christian then mentions that Jungle Boy’s dad is dead and he would be disappointed, Christian tells Jungle Boy to enjoy his early retirement at age 25, Luchasaurus then comes out and chokes Christian in the corner, Christian tells Luchasaurus that he’s like a son to him and they need to talk in private, Christian and Luchasaurus then hug each other and leave together.

Match 2: Malakai Black vs Penta Oscuro 

– Penta counters Malakai in the corner, which allows him to connect with a backstabber, Malakai then kicks the leg of Penta, sending him crashing into the apron, Malakai then sends Penta backfirst into the barricade as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial break as we see Malakai go for a german suplex but Penta counters with an elbow, followed by a closeline and a splash from the corner, Penta then lands an enziguri on the apron to Black, Black then lands a roundhouse kick on the apron to the head of Penta, Penta then places Black on the top rope, Black counters and goes for a double footstomp but Misses, Black then lands a jumping knee to the face of Penta, followed by a moonsault to the outside, Black then lands a double footstomp from the top rope for a nearfall, Penta then hits a fear factor piledriver from the second rope on Black. Penta goes for the pin but Black gets his foot on the bottom rope, Black then catches Penta’s leg, which allows him to hit the spinning kick for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Malakai Black at 9:56.

– After the match, Pac comes down to the ring, Miro then appears on the titantron, Miro warns Pac, Black, and Ishii about Sunday, Miro says that they will meet the redeemer.

Match 3: Adam Page vs Silas Young

– The match starts off with both men locking up, Silas then lands an elbow to the back of Page’s head, Page then lands a headlock takeover on Young, Page then lands a boot to the jaw of Young, Page then lands two stiff chops to Silas in the corner, Silas turns it around and lands a chop of his own, Page then sends Silas to the outside, Page goes for a crossbody but Silas moves out of the way, Silas attempts to throw Page back in the ring but Page rebounds off the mat, Page then hits a closeline, followed by a moonsault from the second rope to Silas on the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Page hit Silas with a top rope superplex, both men then exchange a series of punches, Page then hits a fallaway slam on Silas, Page then hits a closeline on a running Silas on the apron, Page then hits a crossbody to the outside, Page then hits a flying closeline from the top rope for a nearfall, Silas then hits Page with a backbreaker/closeline for a nearfall, Silas then hits a rolling fireman’s carry slam, Silas goes forna moonsault but Page counters with a german suplex, followed by a closeline and the buckshot lariat for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Adam Page at 8:45.

– After the match, Adam Cole comes down the ramp, Jay White then interrupts, White apologizes for interrupting storytime with Adam Cole, White says that he’s responsible for making Forbidden Door as big as it can be, White says that his opponent at Forbidden Door still can’t be Adam Cole because he lost to Hangman twice, White tells Hangman that it also won’t be him, Page then knocks the mic out of White’s hand, both men then exchange punches but Cole tries to help, Hangman then sends Cole to the outside, Page goes for the buckshot lariat on White but Cole lowblows Hangman, Jay White then punches away at Page, Cole is about to hit Page with the title but Okada makes the save, Page then hammers away at Cole in the corner as Okada hammers away at Jay White, Cole and White then retreat.

Match 4: Toni Storm vs Marina Shafir

– The match starts with Marina kicking Toni into the corner, both women then lock up, Marina attempts an armbreaker but Toni gets to the ropes, Toni then puts Marina in an abdominal stretch but Marina counters with a slam, Toni then lands a dropkick on Marina, Marina then sends Toni to the outside, Nyla Rose lands a senton to Toni on the outside as the referee is distracted as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see both women exchanging a series of punches, Toni then hits Marina with a headbutt, Marina then hits Toni with a superkick, sending her to the outside, Marina goes to kick Toni against the steps but Toni counters and hits a swinging DDT from the steps, Toni then hits Marina with a german suplex, Toni then hits the hip attack in the corner, Toni tries to bring Marina to the center of the ring but Nyla Rose holds her wrist, Toni then rolls up Marina for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Toni Storm at 7:20.

– After the match, Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir attack Toni Storm, Thunder Rosa then makes the save, Toni lands a chopblock on Nyla as Rosa lands a superkick, Toni then hits Nyla with the championship belt, Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm then stareoff.

– Sting and Darby Allin say that they are taking out each member of The Undisputed Elite and they will continue to do so Sunday at The Forbidden Door. 

Match 5: Jon Moxley and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Chris Jericho and Lance Archer

– The match starts off with all four men brawling, Jericho and Moxley fight on the outside as Tanahashi and Archer fight in the ring, Moxley punches away at Jericho before sending him into the barricade, Archer then lands a full-nelson slam on Tanahashi before tagging Jericho, Jericho then punches away at Tanahashi in the corner, Jericho goes for a running bulldog but Tanahashi sends him in the corner, Tanahashi then lands a running splash to Jericho in the corner, Moxley then lands a series of elbows to the side of the head of Jericho, Moxley then sends Jericho facefirst into the apron, Sammy Guevara then holds the leg of Moxley on the apron, allowing Jericho to hit a springboard dropkick, Jericho then chokes Moxley against the ropes, Archer then takes out Moxley with a pounce as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Jericho taunting Moxley, Moxley then runs at Jericho but Jericho hits Moxley with an elbow, Jericho then goes for the lionsault but Moxley gets his knees up, Tanahashi then gets tagged in, Tanahashi knocks Archer off the apron with a forearm, Tanahashi then hits a crossbody on Jericho from the second rope, Tanahashi then hits a second rope senton on Jericho for a nearfall, Jericho then attempts to lock Tanahashi in the Walls Of Jericho but Tanahashi rolls through for a one count, Jericho hits a codebreaker on Tanahashi, Jericho then goes for a pin but Moxley breaks it up, Moxley then hits a suicide dive to Archer on the outside, Tanahashi and Jericho then exchange a series of punches, Tanahashi then lands a codebreaker on Jericho, Tanahashi then hits a top rope crossbody but Jericho catches him in the Walls Of Jericho, Moxley then comes in and lands a cutter on Jericho, Tanahashi then lands a slingblade on Archer, Moxley then tries to closeline Archer but Archer is unaffected, Moxley then hits Archer with the paradigm shift, Tanahashi then hits a splash from the top rope onto Archer for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Hiroshi Tanahashi and Jon Moxley at 12:12.

– After the match, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Jon Moxley stare each other down in the ring, Eddie Kingston then attacks Jericho at ringside, Sammy Guevara tries to help but Wheeler Yuta makes the save, Minoru Suzuki then comes out, Suzuki and Yuta then brawl on the ramp, Suzuki then hits Yuta in the back with a steel chair, Ortiz and Santana then come out to join the giant brawl, Yuta then lands a series of punches on Suzuki, Dynamite ends with referees and security coming out to attempt to break up the brawl as Moxley and Tanahashi continue to stare each other down in the ring.


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