AEW Star Brock Anderson Has Bulked Up in Recent Months (With VIDEO)

The latest “ARN” podcast covers WCW during August 1992. Arn also gave his thoughts on tonight’s AEW Collision debut and he stated that his son Brock has been putting in the work at the gym. Scroll down to see the video of Brock.

Arn talking about AEW Collision:

“This will be a huge day in the history of AEW. I feel like there’s going to be a growth spurt gonna be in the business following this. There’s always a lot of hoopla around something new and it’s a new show. I’m very interested and hope to be a part of it, Brock and I. It’s good for the company, good for the business, and hopefully good for everything surrounding what we do here on the podcast.”

Arn’s thoughts on the Collision logo resembling the Nitro logo:

“I haven’t paid that close attention. It (WCW) was a hugely successful company. It was a moment in time where, you know, a lot of older guys in their 40s and 50s, and you know, they were living it and loving it and that was when they were huge wrestling fans. So, you know, it’s letting not only just 17 to 35, or whatever the demographic is that’s so sought after, but a lot of older folks, remember these times, the WCW times.”

Arn talking about his son, Brock Anderson:

“I’m very proud of him. He hasn’t had a whole lot of time on TV, but he has taken the time away from what he would normally be wrestling and he’s put it in the gym. You saw him this weekend. He’s put on some good quality size and looks great.” Scroll down on this page to see a recent video of Brock.

Thoughts on Wardlow:

“Wardlow is a quality human being. If you’ve ever met him, he is classy. He carries himself like a gentleman. He is a class act in the locker room. There’s no negatives where the guy is concerned before ever even talking about what a beast he is and a monster and fearless and, you name it. I mean, he’s got quality. Just his stuff, his offense, he’s a guy that’s gonna be a huge, huge, huge star sooner than later. I’m happy to see anybody that has earned it, that deserves it, gets a break in this business.”

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