AEW Worlds End Results: Live Coverage

AEW Worlds End
December 28, 2024
Addition Financial Arena 
Orlando, Florida

We are live with ongoing coverage of AEW Worlds End. As always, we will post updates immediately after every match, so refresh this page often.

Zero Hour: Toni Storm vs. Leila Grey

A basic start to this one with Storm in control. Grey took over with a series of neck breakers. Toni fought back before Grey hit a neck breaker off the middle rope. Grey was holding her head off the move before Storm rolled her up in a cradle for the win. 

Winner: Storm

Zero Hour: Jeff Jarrett vs. QT Marshall

QT beat down Jarrett for the majority of the match with Jeff trying to make comebacks throughout. Jarrett made the comeback with an enzigrui before QT chopped him in the throat. Aaron Solo ran down to the ring to distract Jeff and QT rolled him up for 2. QT with the stroke for 2. Jay Lethal battled with Solo to the back. Jarrett with the stroke for the win.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Zero Hour: The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) & Top Flight (Darius Martin & Dante Martin) vs. Murder Machines (Brian Cage & Lance Archer), Action Andretti & Lio Rush

Everyone got involved with their moves in the early going. The heels got the upperhand before The Outrunners took control. Action and Rush took out the Out Runners with a dive on the floor. Action with a floating DDT to to Dante. Acher with a powerbomb to Darius. Archer was about get the win before Rush tagged himself in and hit a frog splash for the win.

Winners: Murder Machines (Brian Cage & Lance Archer), Action Andretti & Lio Rush

After the match, AEW Tag Team Champions Private Party come out to have a stardown with Rush and Action, who are next in line for the titles.

Continental Classic League Semifinals: Kyle Fletcher vs. Will Ospreay

They went back and forth before Kyle powerbombed him on the apron. Will went head first into the steel steps and busted open. Will was sent head first into the middle turnbuckle for 2. Will was leaking blood. Will with a standing spanish fly for 2. Will went for blade but Kyle hit a clothesline. Kyle and Will traded headbutts. Will caught him with a superkick as Kyle went for a diving tackle. Kyle tried to use the ropes to his advantage but the referee saw it. Will caught him with the blade for 2. Will nearly took out the referee and Kyle hit a series of kicks then the brain buster for 2. Will with the styles clash for the win. 

Winner: Will Ospreay

Continental Classic League Semifinals: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Ricochet

Ricochet had a fast start before being taken out with a big boot by Okada. This started the beat down of Okada on Ricochet. Ricochet fought back with a series of kicks and hit a spring board move for 2. Okada with a neck breaker for 2. Ricochet with a brain buster to Okada with an awkward landing. Ricochet with the shooting star press for 2. Okada with the rainmaker for the win. 

Winner: Okada

Post-match, Swerve Strickland walked out to the stage and said that Ricochet said he was going to win this tournament. Strickland said that Ricochet would blow it and he would embarrass Ricochet when he did. Swerve said that Ricochet had done nothing but run his mouth since joining AEW. Swerve said the best way to clean up a mess…..with toilet paper. Prince Nana handed out toilet paper to fans. Swerve told the fans to wish Ricochet a happy new year and threw in toilet paper.

AEW Women’s World Champion Mariah May vs. Thunder Rosa

They brawled in the ring and up to the stage. May spit tequila in the face of May before Storm speared her through a wooden board for 2. They brawled to the ring and hit each other with chairs. May with the May Day on thumbtacks. May got in the face of Rosa’s father and took his cane. May wrapped barbed wire around her knee and went for a knee strike but Rosa moved and May crashed into the steps. Rosa used the cane on May. May with a piledriver off the apron through a table on the floor for the win. 

Winner: May

MJF vs. Adam Cole for The Dynamite Diamond Ring

MJF went on the attack and sent Cole into the steel steps, which busted open Cole. MJF with a powerbomb for 2 then went for a panama sunrise before Cole caught him with a superkick. Cole sent him face first into the ring post and now MJF is busted open. Cole mounted a comeback and Cole hit the panama sunrise then a knee strike the back of the head for 2. MJF with a shoulder tackle to the left knee of Cole. MJF faked like Matt Taven and Michael Bennett attacked him to get them kicked out from ringside. MJF grabbed the diamond ring and went to hit Cole with it, but Cole superkicked him. MJF with a low blow and then hit the heat seeker for the win. 

Winner: MJF

MJF grabbed a chair and put it around the knee of Cole before Roderick Strong ran off MJF. Kyle O’Reilly brought MJF back to the ring. Strong and O’Reilly with a high and low double team move before hugging with Cole, who laid out MJF with the ring. 

AEW International Champion Konosuke Takeshita vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

After a strong start by Hobbs, Takeshita targeted the left knee. Takeshita with a suplex from the apron into the ring. Hobbs fought back with a series of clotheslines then hit a powerslam for 2. Takeshita with a tombstone for 2. Takeshita with the blue thunder bomb for 1 as Hobbs hit a clothesline for 2. Takeshita with a superplex then went for a move before Hobbs hit him with a spinebuster for 2. Takeshita with knee strikes then a front guillotine and the raging fire for the win. 

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Mone vs. Kris Statlander

After a strong start by Kris, Mone caught her with a powerbomb on the apron. Back in the ring, Mone went on the attack. Mone went for the bank statement, but Kris avoided it. Kris blocked a knee strike off the top rope and hit a powerbomb. Kris followed it up with rolling german suplexes for 2. Kris with a spinning powerslam for 2. Mone fought back with a series of suplexes. Kris avoided a knee strike and hit the package piledriver for 2. They spilled to the floor and ripped the ring apron off. Mone with the money maker on the floor. Kris had her foot caught under the ring and Mone with knee strikes then punches. Back in the ring, Kriss got a nearfall after hitting an F5 on the apron and in the ring. Mone with a tombstone on the apron. Kris made it in the ring before the count hit 10, leading to Mone with the STF. However, Kris made it to the rope. Mone had her in the ankle lock, but Kris rolled her up. They traded roll ups before Mone got the pin fall.

Winner: Mercedes Mone

Championship Finals of the Continental Classic for the AEW Continental Championship: TBA vs. TBA

Okada was quick to take the fight to Ospreay, who sold throughout while where a bandage on his head. Will fought back only for Okada to hit a flapjack. Will with a powerslam then a spring board cutter for 2. Okada with a neck breaker out of a counter. Okada with a gut wrench then a drop kick. Will avoided the rainmaker and hit the styles clash for 2. Okada with the rainmaker for 2. Will went for a cutter, but Ospreay with a drop kick. Will with a clothesline then the storm breaker for 2. They traded counters with Will hitting storm breaker, but Okada blocked it. Okada with the rain maker for the win. 

Winner: Okada

Post-match, Christopher Daniels announced he was no longer an EVP, but this man is, and introduced Kenny Omega, who gave Okada the Continental Title.

AEW World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Jay White vs. Hangman Page

Moxley had some of the Death Riders attack the challengers as the match started.  The challengers fought back and went after Moxley, leading to a triple powerbomb through the announce table. Page with a fall away slam into the corner as White broke up the pin attempt. Orange with a stunner to Page before White blocked another one and hit a suplex. Moxley with a cutter to Orange. Moxley was cut from the back of his head and bleeding pretty good. Page with a big boot to Moxley before he was taken out. Orange with a floating DDT for 2. Page with two dead eyes to Moxley. Wheeler Yuta came out to stop Page, who kicked him off and hit the buckshot lariat, but the referee had been knocked down. Page with a low blow to Orange before White hit blade runner to Page and then Moxley for 2 as Yuta broke it up. White with the blade runner to Marina Shafir. Yuta with his finisher to White before Moxley hit the death rider DDT for the win. 

Winner: Moxley

FTR came out to stop a post-match attack and they did so with Adam Copeland. A brawl broke out with the babyfaces taking out Death Riders. Copeland had a staredown with Jon Moxley before spearing Moxley then putting a metal bar in the mouth of Moxley. Copeland said that Rated FTR is taking it all.

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