AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door Results: Live Coverage

AEW x NJPW: The Forbidden Door
June 26, 2022
United Center
Chicago, Illinois

We are live with our ongoing coverage of AEW x NJPW: The Forbidden Door.

The Buy In:

The Factory (QT Marshall and Aaron Solow vs Bishamon (Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi)

– The match starts off with Hashi and Solow, Hashi then lands an elbow to the back of Solow’s head, Hashi then puts Solow in a headlock, Hashi then lands a chop and an uppercut on Solow, Solow then hits a dropkick on Hashi, Hashi then takes down Solow with a shoulder tackle before both men tag out, Goto and QT then lock up, Goto then lands a slap to the chest of QT, Gota and Hashi then land a doubleteam shoulder tackle on Solow, Goto and Hashi then exchange a series of punches to the back of QT and Solow, QT then hits the QT special to the outside, taking out both Goto and Hashi, Solow then hits a double footstomp from the top rope onto Goto for a nearfall, The Factory then continues to work away on Goto, Goto then hits a suplex on Solow, Goto then hits QT with a lariat which allows him to make the tag to Hashi, Hashi then lands a chop to QT in the corner, Hashi then hits a bodydrop on QT, Hashi then hits a blockbuster on QT, Hashi attempts yhe pin but Solow makes the save, Solow then hits a cannonball to the outside, taking out both Goto and Hashi, QT and Solow then both hit enzuigiri’s on Hashi, QT then hits a cutter on Hashi, QT goes for the pin but Goto makes the save, QT then goes for a 450 splash from the top but Hashi moves out of the way, Hashi then hits Solow with a superkick, Goto then puts Solow in a fireman’s carry position, Hashi superkicks QT as Goto hits a fireman’s carry slam on the knee, Goto and Hashi then hit a doubleteam move on Solow to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi at 8:55. 

Lance Archer vs Nick Comoroto 

– The match starts off with Archer jumping the gun; Archer then lands a rolling cannonball from the outside to inside the ring on Comoroto, Comoroto then picks up Archer but Archer counters before leaving a big boot, Comoroto then hits a running shoulder tackle, sending Archer off the apron and into the barricade, Comoroto then slams Archer facefirst into the apron, Comoroto then hits Archer with a jumping elbow drop, Archer then lands two stiff forearms on Comoroto, Comoroto then hits Archer with a backbreaker, followed by two stiff knees to the back of Archer, Archer then hits Comoroto with a rock bottom slam, both men then exchange a series of punches and forearms, Archer then hits two closelines on Comoroto, Archer then walks the ropes while holding the hand of Comoroto, Archer then hits a moonsault for a nearfall, Archer then goes for the black out but Comoroto punches his way out of it, Comoroto then hits a running powerslam on Archer for a nearfall, Comoroto then goes to the top, Archer then hits a running jumping knee to the face of Comoroto, Archer then hits the Blackout for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Lance Archer at 6:08. 

Swerve In Our Glory (Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee) vs Suzuki-Gun (El Desperado and Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

– The match starts off with Kanemaru and Keith Lee, both men then stare each other down, Keith wants a test of strength but Kanemaru has to go to the top rope, Kanemaru then kicks Lee, Kanemaru jumps off the top but Lee catches him, Kanemaru then kicks the leg of Lee, Lee then slams Kanemaru down by his head, both men then tag out, Desperado goes for a stretched muffler submission but Swetce makes it to the ropes, Swerve then goes for a running apron kick but Desperado catches trips him, Desperado then puts Swerve in the stretched muffler on the outside, Swerve then hits a dropkick on Desperado before tagging in Lee, Swerve then accidentally kicks the knee of Lee, Desperado then starts to work on the knee of Keith Lee, Kanemaru then kicks away at the leg of Lee, Desperado then knocks Swerve off the apron as Kanemaru continues to work on Lee’s knee, Lee then slaps the chest of Kanemaru, Keith then slams Kanemaru into Desperado, Keith goes for a powerbomb on Kanemaru but Desperado lands a kick to the knee, which also allows Kanemaru to hit a DDT on Lee for a nearfall, Swerve then gets tagged in, Swerve lands three running forearms to the face of Desperado, followed by a flying uppercut to the back of Desperado from the second rope, Swerve then hits Desperado with a brainbuster for a nearfall, Desperado then hits Swerve with a spinebuster, Kanemaru and Desperado then hit a doubleteam slam/kick on Swerve for a two count, Lee tries to get in the ring but Kanemaru kicks the rope, racking Lee, Desperado then kicks the knee of Lee, Swerve and Desperado then exchange chops, Swerve then hits a break breaker on Desperado, followed by a rolling facebuster, Swerve then tags in Lee, Kanemaru then kicks the leg of Lee four times, Kanemaru then puts Lee in a figure four leglock and Desperado puts Swerve in a stretched muffler, Desperado then pushes Swerve off the top to the outside, Desperado then grabs the foot of Lee, Kanemaru then spits whisky in the eyes of Lee behind the referee’s back for a nearfall, Swerve then hits a superkick to Desperado on the apron, followed by a double footstomp to Desperado on the apron, Keith Lee then hits the big bang catastrophe on Kanemaru for the pinfall victory.

The Gunn Club (Billy, Colten, and Austin Gunn) and Max Caster vs The New Japan LA Dojo (Alex Coughlin, The DKC, and Kevin Knight) and Yuya Uemura

– Before the match starts, Danhausen taunts the The Gunn Club, Colten and Austin Gunn then run after Danhausen, Alex Coughlin then hits a fallaway slam on Billy, Coughlin then hits a gut-wrench suplex on Caster, Kevin Knight then hits a running splash to Caster in the corner, followed by a suplex for a nearfall, Knight and Uemura then hits a combination splash/elbow drop on Caster for a nearfall, Uemura then hits a running forearm to Caster in the corner, fooled by a running bulldog, Uemura then hits a snap suplex on Caster, Knight then lands a series of kicks to the stomach of Caster in the corner, Caster then hits a big back bodydrop on Knight; which allows him to tag in Billy, Knight then hits a leaping dropkick to Billy, Billy then hits a suplex on Knight, Billy then hits the fameasser on The DKC, followed by a top rope elbow from Max Caster for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: The Gunn Club and Max Caster at 5:34.

The Main Card: 

Winning team receives the man advantage for Blood & Guts: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, and Minoru Suzuki vs Eddie Kingston, Shota Umino, and Wheeler Yuta

– The match starts off Wheeler Yuta and Chris Jericho, Jericho slaps Yuta but Yuta slaps back at Jericho, Yuta then hits Jericho with six german suplexes, followed by a sideslam for a nearfall, Yuta then puts Jericho in a crossface but Sammy Guevara makes the save, all men then brawl on the outside, Jericho then sends Yuta into the steel steps, Guevara then sends Kingston into the steel steps aswell, Yuta then hits an armdrag on Guevara as Kingston punches away at Guevara, Sammy then hits a dropkick on Yuta, Yuta then hits a suplex on Guevara, followed by a senton, Umino then lands a dropkick on Guevara, Jericho then tags in, Jericho then lands a series of chops to the chest of Umino, Umino then lands a series of strikes on Jericho, Umino then chokes Jericho in the corner with his boot, Kingston then tags in but Jericho tags in Minoru Suzuki, Suzuki and Kingston then exchange chops and slaps to the chest, Kingston then lands a series of chops on Suzuki but an unaffected Suzuki lands a forearm on Kingston, knocking him down, Jericho then kicks away at Kingston in the corner, Kingston then lands a series of chops on Jericho, Suzuki then locks in an armbar on Kingston in the ropes, Jericho then hits an armwringer on Kingston, Jericho then elbows away at the arm of Kingston, Suzuki then tags in, Suzuki stomps on the arm of Kingston, Suzuki then hits Yuta and Umino off the apron, Suzuki then hits a running kick to the chest of Kingston, Suzuki then puts Kingston in an abdominal stretch as Guevara puts Yuta in an armbar, Kingston is then able to reach the bottom rope, Guevara then jumps off the top rope but Kingston catches him for an exploder suplex, Kingston then hits a slam on Guevara, which allows him to get the hot tag to Umino, Umino then drops Sammy facefirst, followed by a running uppercut, Umino then lands a back elbow on Suzuki, followed by a running dropkick, Umino then lands a running uppercut to Guevara in the corner, followed by a perfect plex, Umino then hits a dropkick on Jericho, followed by a running cannonball off the apron onto Jericho, Guevara then hits a shooting star to the outside, taking out Umino, Yuta then hits a cannonball to the outside, Kingston then hits a tope suicida to the outside, Suzuki teases jumping to the outside but hesitates, Yuta then sends Suzuki stomach first into the barricade, Yuta lands a crossbody onto Sammy from the top rope, Yuta goes for the pin but Jericho breaks it up, Guevara then hits a standing spanish fly onto Yuta, Kingston then hits Suzuki with a spinning backfist, Jericho then hits a german suplex onto Kingston, Umino then hits a dropkick onto Jericho, Guevara then hits a cutter from the top rope onto Umino, Yuta then hits a splash from the top rope onto Guevara, Guevara then hits a jumping knee to the face of Umino, Jericho then hits the codebreaker on Umino for a nearfall, Jericho then goes to the top rope but Umino stops him, Umino hits a powerslam on Jericho from the second rope, Umino goes for the pin but Suzuki and Guevara save it, Jericho goes for a lionsault but Kingston punches him, Umino goes for the pinfall but only gets two, Umino then goes to run the ropes but Guevara hits him in the back with the bat, Umino then hits a tornado DDT on Jericho, followed by a tornado DDT for a nearfall, Umino then locks Jericho in the walls of Jericho, Guevara then makes the save but hitting Umino with a superkick, Suzuki then headbutts Umino, Suzuki then hits Kingston with a piledriver, Umino then fights off Suzuki and Guevara with punches, Jericho then hits the judas effect on Umino to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, and Minoru Suzuki at 18:59.

Winners take all: ROH and IWGP tag team championships: FTR (c) vs United Empire (Great O-Kahn and Jeff Cobb) (c) vs Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero)

– The match starts off with Dax Harwood and Trent Beretta, Dax then lands a shoulder tackle on Trent, followed by a headlock takeover, Trent uses a headscissors to get out of the hold before landing a shoulder tackle of his own, followed by a headlock takeover, Dax then lands two chops to Cobb in the corner, Cobb then hits a corner uppercut, followed by a shoulder tackle on Dax, Dash then hits a running forearm on Rocky Romero, FTR then hit a doubleteam headbutt on Romero, Cash then hits Rocky with a drop tollhold as Dax lands a running elbow drop, Romero then hits two closelines in the corner on Cash, followed by a hurricarana, O-Kahn then lands a Mongolian chop on Romero, O-Kahn then lands a series of punches on Cash in the corner, O-Kahn then sits on Cash on the top rope, Cobb then steps on the back of Cash, Cobb then stands on the back of Cash, O-Kahn then lands a suplex on Cash, Cash then hits O-Kahn with a headbutt, Trent then comes in, Trent lands a series of punches and elbows on O-Kahn, followed by a side suplex and a tornado DDT, Trent then goes for a tornado DDT on Cobbs but Cobbs counters and hits a suplex, Romero then hits a hurricarana on Cobb,O-Kahn then chokeslams Rocky on the apron by his head, Trent then hits a spear on O-Kahn on the outside, Rocky then hits a knee strike to O-Kahn from the top rope as O-Kahn lay on the top rope, O-Kahn then sends Rocky to the outside with a pounce, Cash then tags in the returning Dax, who injured his arm earlier in the match, O-Kahn then accidentally closelines Cobb in the corner, Dax then hits O-Kahn with a closeline, followed by a side suplex on Cobb, Dax then hits Cobb with two german suplexes, Cash and Trent then hit a powerbomb on Cobb from the corner, Cash then hits a splash from the top rope onto Cobb for a nearfall, O-Kahn then lands a big boot on Dax, Cash then lands a piledriver on O-Kahn with the help of Romero from the top, Trent and O-Kahn then hit a doubleteam jumping knee to the face of Cobb, Cobb then powerbombs Trent, Cobb then hits a closeline on Rocky, fooled by a standing moonsault, O-Kahn then slams Trent down face first, O-Kahn then throws Trent into a german suplex from Cobb, Rocky then hits a tope suicida taking out O-Kahn and Dax, Roppongi Vice then hit the strong zero on Cobb, Trent goes for the pin but Cash breaks it up, Rocky then rolls up Dax for a nearfall, Rocky then misses an enzuigiri but lands a kick to the face of Dax, FTR then hit the big rig on Romero to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall and STILL ROH tag team champions and NEW IWGP tag team champions: FTR at 16:21.

AEW All-Atlantic championship: Pac vs Miro vs Malakai Black vs Clark Connors

– The match starts off with Pac kicking away at Malakai, Pac then closeslines Malakai to the outside, Malakai then lands a series of kicks to the chest of Pac against the barricade, Miro then hits a back elbow on Connors for a two count, Connors then lands three stiff chops on Miro, Miro then hits a snap suplex on Connors, Connors then jumps over the top for a crossbody but Miro catches him and suplexes him on the floor, Pac then goes to the top rope but Malakai lands a jumping knee to the face of Pac, Pac then goes for a sunset flip powerbomb but Malakai lands on his feet, Malakai then hits a moonsault on Miro, Malakai then lands a knee strike to the face of Connors, Malakai then locks Connors in a kneebar but Miro pulls Connors out, Pac then springboards in the ring but Miro catches him for a fallaway slam, Connors then punches away at Miro, Miro then hits a sideslam on Connors for a two count, Miro then sends Connors into the corner with a strong Irishwhip, Miro then hits Connors with a lariat, Miro then hits a gut-wrench slam on Connors for another two count, Miro and Malakai then kick away at Pac in the ring, Miro then lands an elbow drop on Pac, Malakai and Miro then exchange a series of punches, Miro then hits Pac with an uppercut, Pac then runs at Miro but Miro hits a samoan drop, Pac then hits a superkick on Miro, Pac then sends Connors to the outside, Pqc then hits a corkscrew over the top rope onto Malakai, Pac then hits a running stomp from the apron onto Connors, Pac then hits a shotgun dropkick from the top rope onto Miro, Miro then hits a german suplex on Malakai, Malakai then hits Pac with a knee, Connors then hits a german suplex on Malakai, Malakai then goes under the ring to pull out a table, Malakai then positions the table against the barricade, Malakai and Miro then try to throw each other through the table, Pac then jumps over the top rope but Miro catches him, Pac then sends Miro into the ringpost, Connors then hits a spear to Miro through the table, Malakai and Connors then exchange a series of strikes in the ring, Connors then hits a powerslam on Malakai, Connors then hits Pac with a spear and the trophy kill, Connors goes for the pin but Malakai breaks it up, Pac then hits a superkick on Connors, Pac goes for the black arrow but Malakai pulls his leg down, racking Pac, Miro then powerbombs Connors and Malakai as they hit a superplex on Pac for a tower of doom spot, Miro then hits a superkick on Pac, Miro then locks in the game over, Miro then drags Pac back towards the center of the ring, Malakai then spits black mist in the face of Miro, Malakai then attempts to lock in an armbar on Connors, Pac then hits a 450 splash on Malakai from the top rope, Pac then locks in the brutalizer on Connors to secure the submission victory.

Winner and first ever AEW All Atlantic champion, Pac. 

Bullet Club (El Phantasmo and The Young Bucks) vs Dudes With Attitudes (Sting, Darby Allin, and Shingo Takagi)

– Before the match, the light go out, the lights come back on as Sting jumps off the stage, taking out The Young Bucks, Darby then uses the Skateboard on Hikuleo, the match starts with Takagi landing a shoulder tackle on Phantasmo, followed by a suplex and a pinfall attempt for a one count, Sting then tags in, Sting and Takagi then hits a doubleteam elbow on Phantasmo, Takagi lands an elbow and a senton on Phantasmo, Sting then lands an elbow and a senton on Phantasmo, Darby then hits an armdrag from the top rope, Nick Jackson then lands a double footstomp to the chest of Darby as he’s positioned on the shoulders of Matt, Nick then pokes Darby in the eye, Matt then hits Darby with a neckbreaker on the knee of Nick, Phantasmo then racks the back of Darby, Nick then lands a series of cartwheels in the ring, followed by a rack to the back of Darby, all three members of The Bullet Club then hit a dropkick to Darby as he’s hanging from the top rope, Darby then hits a code red on Phantasmo, Darby then tags in Takagi, Takagi then lands a shoulder tackle on Nick and a suplex on Matt, Takagi then hits a lariat on Nick, followed by a swinging suplex on Nick for a two count, Nick then hits a corkscrew kick to the head of Takagi, Takagi then hits Nick with a death valley driver before tagging in Sting, Phantasmo then twists the nipples of Sting, Sting then hits a stinger splash in the corner to Phantasmo and then The Young Bucks, Hikuleo then gets on the apron, Phantasmo then hits Sting with a lowblow behind the referee’s back, Darby then hits a stunner on Phantasmo, The Young Bucks then hit a superkick on Takagi, Darby, and Sting but Sting is unaffected, Sting then hits a closeline on The Young Bucks, Darby then goes for the coffin drop but Matt Jackson gets his knees up, The Young Bucks then hit the more bang for your buck on Darby, Phantasmo then hits Darby with a frogsplash, The Young Bucks then take out Takagi and Darby with tope suicidas, Phantasmo then lands a moonsault to the outside, taking out Takagi and Darby, Sting then goes to fly but The Bullet Club land a triple superkick on Sting, The Young Bucks goes for the BTE trigger on Sting but Sting counters and takes out the Young Bucks with a scorpion deathdrop, Sting then twists the nipples of Phantasmo, followed by a lowblow behind the referee’s back, Darby then hits the coffin drop to the outside into a standing Hikuleo, Takagi then hits a lariat on Phantasmo for a two count, Takagi then hits the last of the dragon on Phantasmo to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Sting, Darby Allin, and Shingo Takagi at 13:01.

AEW Women’s championship: Thunder Rosa (c) vs Toni Storm

– The match starts off with both women locking up, Rosa lands a armdrag, Rosa then goes for a kick but Toni counters it intona rollup for a two count, Rosa then lands a series of chops on Toni, Toni then hits a big boot on Rosa for a one count, Toni then hits a snap suplex on Rosa for another one count, Toni then stretches the arms back of Rosa as she plants her knee in the back of Rosa, Toni then slaps Rosa on the face, Rosa then lands a slap to the face of her own, both women then exchange a series of forearms and chops, Toni then lands four stiff forearms to the head of Rosa, Rosa then hits a leaping stunner on Toni, Rosa then hits a running closeline in the corner, Rosa then lands a double knee strike from the top rope on Toni, Foloowed by a dropkick to Toni as shes seated in the ropes, Rosa then hits a northern lights suplex for a two count, Rosa then hits a double footstomp to the midsection of Toni for a nearfall, Toni then goes for a tornado DDT off the apron but Rosa counters it into a northern lights suplex on the outside, Toni then knocks Rosa off the apron, Toni climbs to the top but Rosa catches her with an uppercut, Toni then hits a german suplex on Rosa on the apron, Toni then hits a tornado DDT on Rosa on the outside, Toni then hits a running hip attack on Rosa in the corner, followed by a tornado DDT for a nearfall, Rosa then hits an armbar on Toni, followed by a running knee and a death valley driver, Rosa then hits the fire thunder driver for a nearfall, Rosa then lands two kicks on the arm of Toni, Toni then hits Rosa with a german suplex, Rosa then hits the final wrecking on Toni Storm to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL AEW women’s champion, Thunder Rosa at 10:42. 

IWGP US championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs Orange Cassidy 

– The match starts off with Cassidy putting his hands in his pockets, Cassidy then counters Ospreay before taking him down with a shoulder tackle, Cassidy then kicks the leg of Ospreay for a one count, Ospreay then goes for a springboard but Cassidy moves out of the way, Ospreay then lands on his feet as both men stare off, Cassidy then hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Ospreay, Cassidy goes to jump over the top rope but Ospreay moves away from the apron, Ospreay then drops Cassidy throat first on the top rope, followed by a running big boot to the face of Cassidy, Ospreay then hits a running double knee to Orange Cassidy against the barricade with help from Aussie Open, Ospreay then sends Cassidy into the corner with a strong Irish whip, Ospreay then hits a swinging backbreaker on Cassidy for a two count, Ospreay then chokes Cassidy with his foot in the corner, Ospreay then locks in an abdominal stretch on Cassidy, Ospreay then reaches into the pocket of Cassidy to pull out a middle finger, Cassidy then sends Ospreay into the turnbuckle facefirst three times, Cassidy then hits a crossbody from the top rope, Cassidy then goes for a tilt-a-whirl on Ospreay but Ospreay drops him, Ospreay then hits a springboard sidekick to the head of Cassidy, Ospreay then hits a diving elbow from the second rope to the back of Cassidy’s head for a nearfall, Ospreay then goes for an elbow to the back of Cassidy’s head but Cassidy falls down, Ospreay then lands eight kicks to the forehead of Cassidy, Ospreay then stands on the back of Cassidy’s head, Ospreay then lands three more kicks to the forehead of Cassidy, Cassidy then puts his hands back in his pockets, Cassidy then hits a dropkick on Ospreay, Cassidy then lands six parody kicks to the forehead of Ospreay, Cassidy hits Ospreay with a superkick, followed by a series of kicks to the forehead of Ospreay, Ospreay then goes for a springboard cutter but Cassidy moves out of the way, Cassidy then hits a stunner on Ospreay, followed by a Michinoku driver for a nearfall, Cassidy then hits a tornado DDT on Ospreay, followed by a tornado DDT, Cassidy then takes out Aussie Open with a corkscrew from the middle of the top rope, Cassidy then hits a diving DDT from the second rope for yet another nearfall, Ospreay then hits a standing spanish fly on Cassidy, Ospreay then hits a superkick on Cassidy as he’s caught in between the middle and top turnbuckle, Cassidy then sends Ospreay facefirst into the camera on the top rope, Cassidy then fakes an injury near the turnbuckle, Ospreay then goes for a moonsault but Cassidy moves out of the way but Ospreay is still able to land a standing moonsault, Cassidy then hits a beach break on Ospreay for a nearfall, Ospreay then hits a cutter on Cassidy, followed by a springboard cutter on Cassidy for a nearfall, Cassidy then counters the storm breaker into a hurricarana for a nearfall, Ospreay then hits a lariat and an elbow to the back of Cassidy’s head for a nearfall, Ospreay then hits the storm breaker on Cassidy to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner and STILL IWGP US champion: Will Ospreay at 16:46. 

– After the match, Aussie Open attack Cassidy, Roppongi Vice make the save but are taken out, Katsuyori Shibata then makes his entrance, Shibata takes out Aussie Open on the ramp, Shibata then lands a series of forearms on Ospreay in the corner, followed by a dropkick in the corner to Ospreay, Shibata then goes to put Ospreay in a choke but Aussie Open pull Ospreay to the outside. Orange Cassidy then puts the glasses on Shibata.

Zack Sabre Jr vs Claudio Castagnoli

– The match starts off with Claudio hitting a running uppercut on Sabre, Claudio then hits the neutralizer on Sabre for a two count, Zack then rolls to the outside, Claudio then Irishwhips Sabre into the barricade, Claudio then hits a running uppercut to Zack in the corner, Claudio then goes for another uppercut into the barricade but Zack moves out of the way, Sabre then lands an uppercut on Claudio, Claudio then lands an uppercut on Sabre, Sabre then racks the arm twice against the top rope, Claudio then hits a big boot on the apron, followed by a delayed vertical suplex on Sabre, Sabre then locks in a kneebar on Claudio in the ropes, Sabre then locks in a kneebar on Claudio while hanging from the apron, Sabre then stretches the fingers of Claudio, Claudio then runs at Sabre but Sabre moves out of the way, causing Claudio to crash into the ringpost shoulder first, Sabre then twists the ankle of Claudio before stomping on the ankle, Sabre then lands three uppercuts on Claudio but Claudio is unaffected, Claudio then hits two backbreakers on Sabre followed by a running uppercut in the corner for a nearfall, Sabre then attempts to lock in an armbar on Claudio but picks up Sabre, Sabre then falls to the outside as he keeps in the submission lock, Claudio then walks up the steps while carrying Sabre with one arm, Claudio then throws Sabre into the ring from the apron with one arm, Claudio then attempts the swing but Sabre counters it into a guillotine submission, Claudio then racks Sabre on the top rope, Sabre then locks in an armstretch on the top rope, followed by three uppercuts, Claudio then hits a running uppercut to Sabre as he’s seated on the top rope, Claudio then hits a gut-wrench suplex from the top rope on Sabre, Claudio then lands another uppercut on Zack, Claudio then goes for the swing once again but Zack crawls to the ropes, Claudio then hits two running uppercuts in the corner, Zack then hits a running uppercut in the corner, Claudio then hits another uppercut on Sabre for a nearfall, Claudio then swings Sabre for six rotations before his arm gives out, Claudio then attempts to lock in a sharpshooter but Sabre locks in a kneebar, Claudio then lands a double footstomp to the midsection of Sabre for a nearfall, Sabre then uppercuts Claudio, Claudio then lands two stiff uppercuts on Sabre, Claudio then throws up Zack but Zack locks in a sleeper, Zack then locks in an armstretch, Claudio gets to the ropes but doesn’t break the hold until the four count, Sabre then lands ten kicks to the chest of Claudio, Claudio then hits an uppercut, followed by a closeline for a nearfall, Sabre runs at Claudio but Claudio launches him in the air for an uppercut, Claudio then hits a lariat, followed by a powerbomb to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli at 18:28. 

IWGP Heavyweight championship: Jay White (c) vs Adam Cole, Kazuchika Okada vs “Hangman” Adam Page 

– The match starts off with the crowd clapping, Jay White and Adam Cole then retreat under the ropes, Cole then pulls Page to the outside as White attacks Okada from behind, Okada then hits White with a big boot, Page and Okada then hits a doubleteam elbow on White, sending him to the outside, Page and Okada then attack White and Cole on the outside, Page then hits a tope suicida to the outside, taking out Cole, White then suplexes Okada stomach first on the apron, White and Cole then hit a delayed vertical suplex on Page onto the ramp, Cole then punches away at Okada in the ring, White then lands a chop to the chest of Okada, Page then sends White shoulder first into the steel steps, Okada then goes for a tombstone on Cole but White makes the save, Page then hits a springboard closeline to White on the apron, Page then hits a fallaway slam on Cole, followed by a flying closeline from the top rope for a nearfall, Page then lands a series of chops to the chest of Cole in the corners of the ring, Page then goes for a moonsault from the top rope but Cole catches him in mid-air with a superkick, Okada then lands a series of forearms on Cole and White, Okada then hits a slapjack on White, followed by a jumping dropkick to Cole, knocking him off the top rope and to the outside, Okada then sends White into the barricade, followed by a big boot that sends White into the crowd, Okada then throws Cole into the crowd, Okada then hits a running crossbody over the barricade, taking out both Cole and White, White then hits Okada with a back suplex, Page then lands a series of chops and punches to White, White then lands a closeline on Page, White goes for a German suplex on Page but Page lands on his feet, White and Cole then “too sweet” each other but Cole turns on him by hitting a backstabber, followed by a fireman’s carry onto the knee, White then hits a spinning slam on Cole, White then lands a back suplex on Cole, Okada, and Page, all four men then exchange a series of forearms, Page then hits a forearm to the face of Cole, followed by a sit-down powerbomb on White for a nearfall, Page then lands a moonsault to the outside, taking out Cole and Okada, Page then hits the deadeye on White, Page then hits the buckshot lariat, Page goes for the pinfall but Okada breaks it up, Okada and Page then exchange a series of forearms in the ring, Okada then lands an uppercut on Page, Cole then goes for the Panama sunrise on Okada but Okada counters and lands an air raid crash, Okada then hits an elbow from the top rope onto Cole, Cole then hits superkicks on Okada and Page, followed by another superkick to Okada, Cole then lands yet another superkick on Okada for a nearfall, Okada then hits Cole with a standing dropkick, Okada goes for the rainmaker but Cole counters, Cole then hits Okada with an enzuigiri and a superkick, Cole then goes for the running knee but Okada catches him with a dropkick, White then hits the bladerunner on Okada, White then pins Adam Cole to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL IWGP world champion, Jay White at 21:03.

Interim AEW World championship: Jon Moxley vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

– Tanahashi lands a headlock takeover on Moxley, Tanahashi then puts Moxley in another headlock, Tanahashi then hits a crossbody from the second rope onto Moxley, both men then exchange a series of forearms in the ring, Tanahashi then lands two dropkicks to the knee of Moxley, followed by a dragonscrew legwhip, Moxley then hits Tanahashi with a cutter, Moxley and Tanahashi then exchange a series of chops, Moxley then scratches the back of Tanahashi, followed by a side suplex from the top rope, Moxley then hits Tanahashi with a piledriver for a two count, Moxley then puts Tanahashi in a jaw crusher submission, Moxley then puts Tanahashi in a Texas cloverleaf, Moxley then turns it into an STF but Tanahashi is able to reach the bottom rope, Moxley then closelines Tanahashi to the outside, Moxley then slams Tanahashi through the timekeeper’s table, Tanahashi is then able to make it back into the ring at the count of nine, Moxley then puts Tanahashi in an armbar but Tanahashi fights out of it, Tanahashi then lands a series of kicks to the face of Moxley, Tanahashi then hits a slingblade on Moxley, sending him to the outside, Tanahashi then hits a crossbody from the top rope onto Moxley on the outside, we then see that Moxley was busted open from the boots of Tanahashi, Moxley then goes for the paradigm shift but Tanahashi counters and lands two swinging suplexes, Moxley then lands a german suplex on Tanahashi, followed by rhe Paradigm shift for a nearfall, Tanahashi then hits a flying crossbody from the top rope onto Moxley, Tanahashi then hits a frog splash from the top rope for a nearfall, Moxley then puts Tanahashi in a bulldog choke, Moxley then headbutts Tanahashi, Moxley then puts Tanahashi in a chokehold but Tanahashi pushes off the ropes for a nearfall on Moxley, Moxley then hits a lariat on Tanahashi but Tanahashi kicks out at one, Moxley then lands a series of elbows to the side of Tanahashi’s head, Moxley then locks in the choke but Tanahashi is able to stand up, Moxley then hits the paradigm shift to secure the victory to become the interim AEW world champion.

Winner via pinfall and NEW AEW Interim world champion: Jon Moxley at 18:20.

– After the match, Moxley is about to shake Tanahashi’s hand but Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia come out and beat down Moxley and Tanahashi, Eddie Kingston then comes out, Kingston takes down Jericho but Garcia saves him, Santana, Ortiz, and Wheeler Yuta then come out to attack Jericho and Garcia, the rest of The Jericho Appreciation Society then run down to the ring, they beat down Tanahashi, Moxley, Santana, Ortiz, and Yuta but Claudio Castagnoli makes the save, Claudio lands a series of punches of Jericho, followed by a jumping uppercut, Claudio then lands a series of running uppercuts in the corner to the members of The Jericho Appreciation Society, Claudio then swings Angelo Parker, The Jericho Appreciation Society then retreat, Forbidden Door ends with Moxley celebrating with Claudio Castagnoli, William Regal, Santana, Ortiz, Wheeler Yuta, Eddie Kingston, and Hiroshi Tanahashi.



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