AEW’s Buddy Matthews says he is going away for a while

Buddy Matthews is taking some time off from pro wrestling.

Following a match at Saturday’s Fight Life Pro Wrestling on September 24, Matthews cut an in-ring promo where he noted that he will be going away for a while.

“Unfortunately, tonight, I’m going to be the bearer of some unfortunate news. See as everyone knows, the House of Black has had some issues lately. But as all the members of the house, I’m speaking for them all. We want to thank you all for being members of the house. Unfortunately, I, like some of the other members, need to go away for a while. I need to recalibrate. I need to figure out some things. As my brother Malakai once said, this isn’t goodbye, this is just see you later.”

As previously noted, Malakai Black gave a similar statement at Prestige Wrestling last week. He later clarified his comments and confirmed reports that he asked AEW for his release.

After signing with AEW in February, he was aligned with Malakai and Brody Brody in House of Black. Matthews was last seen in action on AEW Rampage: Grand Slam by teaming with King and losing to Darby Allin and Sting in a street fight.

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