Athena didn’t know if she wanted to wrestle again after her WWE release

Athena is the guest on this week’s “AEW Unrestricted” podcast. She shared the story about her Dynamite debut, what she learned from Lance Archer, tagging with Willow Nightingale, how day-drinking with her mom started the feud with Jade Cargill, and she talked about gaming.

Athena talked about why she signed with AEW:

“When I left the other company (WWE), I didn’t know if I wanted to wrestle again. It was just like, ‘Oh, this was like my big dream.’ There had always been AEW. It was just always like, ‘Man, it looks like they’re having fun. That’s what I thought I was signing up for’, and just watching and dealing with what I was dealing with, and then seeing this, and I’m like,’ Oh my gosh, this looks like much fun.’ Then once I actually left, I was like, ‘I think I’m good’, and then it became ‘Oh crap. How are we going to pay the bills?’, because we just bought a house and I was like, ‘Well, I guess I gotta wrestle to pay these bills.’ I went to college for six or eight years, but I never want to pick up a book ever again. I don’t want to finish any of those degrees that I started. It’s just not my jam, and I was like, ‘Alright, let’s lace up the boots.’”

Click below to listen to the entire interview.

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