Bea Priestley on her status with AEW, run as STARDOM Champion

Thanks to Andrew Thompson of for sending us the following highlights from his interview with Bea Priestley: 

Bea on her run as World of STARDOM Champion“So I did not expect to win the belt when I did. It was a very overwhelming moment. I do think I grew a lot when I had the belt. I don’t think when I had it, I was particularly ready but I think I proved a point that I am a main-eventer, I am one of the top STARDOM wrestlers they have on the roster and I think that the matches I’ve had [are] some of the best STARDOM matches of the year, based off my reign. I’m not sad about dropping… I was sad when I lost it to Mayu [Iwatani], but I also think Mayu is one of the best females that STARDOM has to offer and not just in STARDOM, but in the world. Mayu’s surpassed it, so I’m not upset about losing to Mayu.”  

Working with AEW and STARDOM at the same time: “So, I am the only full-time foreigner in STARDOM, so I’m the only one that has that privilege. I’m also here [AEW] part-time so, I think the only other person who does STARDOM and AEW would be Jamie Hayter who’s my tag partner in STARDOM. Pretty much, I wrestle in STARDOM full-time. I come out to AEW on a part-time basis when they want me.”  

Top-rope hurricanrana slip up with Mayu Iwatani: “My general thoughts is that my foot slipped. That’s what happens. Sh*t happens in wrestling. People slip, people f*ck up, it happens, it’s wrestling. Mayu is not hurt, Mayu did not really care. I messaged Mayu, she said, ‘No pain, no problem. Thank you’, with a love heart. Me and Mayu are good friends so I think basically, people on the internet, they just like to over exaggerate anything they can to make foreigners — especially STARDOM. They do not like foreigners — make [them] look like bad people and it’s like, we’re actually good friends backstage. But yeah, it’s simple, my foot slipped. It went wrong, but Mayu is fine, no one is hurt, nothing is broken. The match continued, finished, there we go.”  

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