Big Swole responds after Tony Khan’s New Years Eve tweet

Big Swole tweeted today about “lessons learned” following Tony Khan’s tweet that was sent in response to what Swole said about diversity problems in AEW.

Swole noted on her podcast that she feels that there needs to be more diversity in management and she mentioned that AEW has been taking positive steps to improve certain backstage aspects of the company. You can read everything said by Swole and Khan by clicking here.

In the tweet below, Swole included a clip from her Callin podcast (the same episode where she talked about diversity issues). The clip is of Swole praising Khan for his generosity. The point of the tweet seemingly is to show that she was not bashing AEW and Khan when she raised her concerns about the lack of diversity in management.

Swole tweeted, “Good After-morning! Sometimes you need to stop seeing the good in people and start seeing what they show you. Lesson learned.”

Swole also retweeted this tweet:

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