Billy Corgan believes CM Punk will work things out with AEW

Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan sat down with Steve Fall’s Ten Count to talk about NWA Hard Times 3 which takes place on November 12.

Corgan was asked if he would be interested in bringing CM Punk into the NWA:

“I know him personally and I haven’t talked wrestling with him for years, so I would be hard pressed to imagine he’d want to come to the NWA given his other opportunities. Certainly, there are other companies that are bigger and can offer him a bigger payday. I’d be surprised if he leaves AEW. I’ve heard those rumors too, but I just imagined that it would be worked out. So until it’s official, official, I’ll just assume that he’s going to stay and they’re going to figure it out because I think he’s a benefit and a bonus to them. I think the same in reverse. I think they’ve done a good thing of bringing him back to professional wrestling where he belongs because he’s such an immensely talented guy. So you know, look, it’s wrestling, a lot of rumors, a lot of talk. For all we know, it’s just part of a bigger negotiation going on behind the scenes that he’s gonna leave, and he’s still gonna stay. It’s wrestling. So why wouldn’t we think it’s an angle on some other level? I tend to look at those things sideways. Plus, I also don’t want to be in the business of trying to openly recruit people who work for other companies. I don’t like when people do it to me. I could name names, but I just think when people are under contract, that should be respected as best as possible.”

Click below to watch the entire interview.

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