Brandi Rhodes will miss AEW Fyter Fest after learning about her dog passing away

Brandi Rhodes will be missing AEW Fyter Fest and will be going home after learning that her dog, Colby-Jack Tanner Runnels, has passed away.

We send our deepest condolences to Brandi and Cody during this difficult time.

Brandi wrote:

“Today is shaping up to me my worst on record. I’m flying back home to say goodbye to my oldest friend. My first child. Colby-Jack Tanner Runnels. For 16 years we have been inseparable. When I first saw you and took you home on that long car ride through the snow in Michigan…you continued to trust me from that moment on. Everyone thought you were too small, I was too young. You’d just be some pocket dog that I’d one day tire of. That never happened. You were never a pocket dog. You were a family member with the best personality and you were my utmost priority throughout all stages of my life. You were with me from Michigan to Florida to Texas to California and finally, to Georgia. You helped me become an adult. And I would never leave you behind. When I didn’t have enough for you I found it. You never doubted me for one second and that unconditional love is what always got me through. We did this all together. I’m so glad you stayed around as long as you did. You allowed me the pleasure and joy of being your mom. You allowed me to grow into the woman I am today and you showed me the best human and dog bond possible. I love you Colby. We will always be together because I’ll hold you in my heart. Rest well my sweet.”


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