Brian Pillman Jr. expects to leave MLW if they don’t run a show by October

Brian Pillman, Jr. is the guest on this week’s “Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling” podcast.

Pillman was on to talk about his current status with MLW and his recent matches with AEW.

Pillman also talked about his MLW World Tag Team Title reign with the New Hart Foundation and being mentored by Davey Boy Smith Jr. He also talks about growing up as the son of the legendary Brian Pillman, carrying that name and where he truly wants to wrestle.

In regards to his status with MLW, Pillman said the following: “I believe if they run enough shows by next July, I would still be under contract.  That remains to be seen.  I wanted to make sure for my own safety and my own career and credibility that I was getting work and staying busy.  Thankfully, even though technically I’m still under contract to MLW, AEW was willing to use me and put me on their show.  I couldn’t be more grateful for that.  If MLW gets back up and running in October I would be more than happy to continue telling stories there and continuing finishing out my career there.  But as it stands, it is very difficult to say they can run and uphold their end of the contract.  We will have to wait and see if they are able to run anymore shows the rest of the year.  I would say if they don’t run by October, then I would expect my contract to be terminated at that time.  Hopefully, we get some good shows out of MLW and we get back up and running but if they don’t continue to run, then I can’t be held responsible for continuing to be exclusive with them.  I did ask for my release because I did not see anything happening for the rest of this year and I wanted to make it easier for any company looking to sign other talent to be able to pick me up.”  

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with a h/t to for the transcription.

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