Chris Jericho’s AEW World Championship has been found?

It appears that Chris Jericho and AEW officials no longer have to worry about where the AEW World Championship is as it has been found.

As noted, Jericho reported to the Tallahassee (Fla.) Police Department that his title belt had been stolen while he was eating dinner inside a Longhorn Steakhouse and noticed that it was gone while driving in a limo to the airport.

Things took an odd turn this morning as the Tallahassee PD shared a photo on Facebook saying they found the title only to delete it moments later and said they can’t confirm the belt was found. They would then delete that post as well.

With the internet, everything is documented. You can see the post here, courtesy of the Tallahassee Democrat:

“Chris Jericho we have something that belongs to you,” TPD posted on Facebook. “Celebrate with #ALittleBitOfTheBubbly(responsibly of course)! More information to follow. #foundit #championshipbelt.”

While it’s still an odd situation, that didn’t stop the AEW Twitter account from thanking the police department for their search of the world title.

With the investigation ongoing, it appears that someone behind the police department’s Facebook page got excited to show off that they found the title.

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