CM Punk is under a full-time deal with AEW, open to working NJPW G1, wants to work with young talent

During the AEW Rampage post-show media scrum, Tony Khan stated that CM Punk is not under a short-term deal.

Here are more notes from the scrum:

Punk and Khan did not give specifics on the deal but Khan made it clear that Punk is not wrestling part-time. So, fans of Punk will be seeing a lot of him at least for the next couple of years and maybe longer. Later in the scrum, Punk said he wants to do everything, including some commentary.

Punk is scheduled to appear this Wednesday night on AEW Dynamite and he will face Darby Allin on September 5th at All Out on pay-per-view.

Punk says that the talks with AEW and Tony Khan have been going on for about a year and a half. As noted before, Khan has said in interviews that Punk was one of the guys he wanted to sign when he launched the company. Punk said during the scrum that he didn’t want to debut in AEW without fans being there.

Punk had positive things to say about Dr. Britt Baker, DMD, and mentioned her as an example of someone who got over.

Punk said that it was Khan’s idea for him to face Darby Allin and if he was a kid, Allin would be his favorite wrestler.

Punk also put over AEW as a place that lets people learn from mistakes. Previously, wrestlers would make mistakes and would get fired. Presumably, he was talking about WWE.

Punk says it was Renee Paquette who helped to get Punk to dip his toe in the water on WWE Backstage (working for FOX, not WWE).

Punk and Khan laughed about this being the worst kept secret in wrestling but it was on purpose. Punk was happy that he wasn’t advertised. So basically, it sounds like the idea was for this story to get out to build anticipation.

Punk noted how the AEW roster kept Brodie Lee’s illness a secret and that made an impression on him. He added that he was talking with the talent backstage before he walked out and he wasn’t hidden from everyone.

When asked if he has smoothed things over with certain people, he says he hasn’t had an issue with anyone. (Note: Punk and Colt Cabana had a falling out a few years ago).

Punk said that he’s not back for the wins or losses. He is here to give back and he doesn’t think that he ever hated pro wrestling. Punk said what he despised was not professional wrestling.

Punk talked about some of the people he would like to work with including The Young Bucks, kenny Omega, Brian Pillman, Will Hobbs, Ricky Starks, Jungle Boy, Darby Allin and Jon Moxley.

Punk said that he wants to help the young talent the same way that Harley Race, Terry Funk, and Eddie Guerrero helped him. He also mentioned Tracy Smothers.

Punk said he considers himself to be an AEW and a TNT guy in front and behind the camera but if Tony Khan asks him to be in the G1 then they will talk about it.

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