CM Punk meeting with Chris Jericho ‘went well’

During a recent PWTorch audio show, Wade Keller talked about the CM Punk plane ride from Tampa and indicated that the idea to go to Raw seemed to happen as he was on the plan and he saw some WWE talent on the same flight.

“Sounds like Punk didn’t just show up cold,” Keller said. “He was on a flight with some people and, connecting dots only here, some people made it seem the idea entered Punk’s head based on his interactions with WWE people on that flight that maybe he’d be welcome or it’d be a good idea to visit Raw. It sounds like Tony Kahn was not given a heads up on this…The indications point towards Punk just kind of did this with the idea ostensibly being it’s not a big deal. It’s just that he wanted to say hi to some friends when they’re in Chicago. Part of me just thinks this is going to kind of blow over as a non-factor in the big picture trajectory of Punk in AEW.”

Keller added that Punk visiting Raw will is seen by his critics as “another bit of a warning sign of just Punk’s judgments in terms of reading the room of how to lay low and help Tony Khan create a successful plan to reintegrate punk into a volatile situation so they can get something for the money he paid him your take.”

Keller also confirmed that the meeting with Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and FTR as the neutral party went well.

Keller said, “I heard the meeting took place with Jericho and FTR. I think it was supposed to be on Friday I think. That might have been why was in Tampa and I just heard from one source that it went well.”

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