CM Punk rips Colt Cabana and Hangman Page, says AEW EVP’s spread lies about him, more from All Out media scrum

During the AEW All Out media scrum, a question was asked about Colt Cabana.

Punk went off on the rumors that have circulated in recent weeks. Punk said that EVP’s in the company have spread lies about him and he had nothing to do with Scott Colton (Colt Cabana) no longer appearing on AEW TV.

Punk then went into details on what happened between him and Cabana during the lawsuit against WWE and why Punk stopped paying Cabana. He had a lot more to say and he also expressed anger at Hangman Adam Page. He also used the “grass isn’t always greener on the other side” line for guys, including MJF, who don’t want to be in AEW.

We’ll have more on this later. 

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