Dax Harwood says ‘Jungle Boy’ Jack Perry initially wasn’t happy to see FTR join AEW

Dax Harwood’s debut podcast is up now at AdFreeShows.com and he gives a lot of insight on CM Punk’s run with AEW and a lot of the misconceptions about him. 

Dax said when CM Punk came to AEW, a lot of people were worried about it as well as a lot of people were worried when he and Cash Wheeler came in:

“A ton of guys were worried about that, but you know, that’s human nature. When something is going good, you want it to continue to go good. When me and Cash came into AEW, there weren’t very many people that were happy to see us there. I’m just being blunt and honest with you. For example, he and I have talked about it, but Jack Perry was not happy to see us because he thought that me and Cash were going to come in and change up his whole style and try to make him someone he’s not. It’s not just CM Punk, it’s just when you have harmony in a locker room and things are going well, change is kind of hard for people, so yeah, there were a lot of people worried about it.”

You can hear the entire podcast at AdFreeShows.com.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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