Dustin Rhodes says he was terrifed during Canadian Destroyer table spot on Sammy Guevara at AEW Battle of the Belts

Dustin Rhodes appeared on “Throwing Down w/ Renee and Miesha” this week to talk about his motivation to keep wrestling, as well as performing his memorable Canadian Destroyer at Battle of the Belts.

Dustin Rhodes was asked what keeps him motivated to still wrestle:

“I don’t know what keeps me going. I guess my dad instilled in me that ‘If you sit, you die.’ You have to keep moving, so that’s what I’m trying to focus on doing is not withering up at 52 years old and staying mobile. I go to the gym everyday and try to stay loose.”

Dustin talking about performing the Canadian Destroyer though the table on Sammy Guevara at Battle of the Belts:

“I don’t understand why everybody is making it such a big deal,” he laughed. “To see, I guess, a 52 year old do that off the apron through a table is somewhat shocking to people. I understand.”

“I was a little leery of it as we were looking at it during the day because of the angle. I’m stepping on the apron, the rope is behind me, and I don’t want my feet to get caught because I have those long a** legs. I was really kind of worried about it, but then we’ve done so many dangerous things in our career.”

“In 33 years, I’ve done so much, and I thought it’s going to be fine. The table was so angled and it was such an awkward position because I’m so tall. I was so terrified that my legs were going to get stuck, I would go straight down through my head through the table, hit my head, and break my neck or something stupid. But it ended up as perfect as possible. Everybody was protected. Everybody was safe. Nobody got injured. It was an ‘Oh my God’ moment, and it was very cool.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “‎Throwing Down w/ Renee & Miesha” with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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