Ex-WWE star rumored to be Dark Order leader was in the crowd on AEW Dynamite

Some of you may have noticed that a certain former WWE/ECW star was in the crowd during the tag team battle royal that kicked off this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite.

Raven was seen on camera sitting in the same area where the Dark Order was. This is interesting because he is one of the names that fans have included when speculating on who might be the Exalted One. Other names rumored are Matt Hardy and Christopher Daniels.

Raven lives in the Atlanta area and it’s possible that he was just there visiting or AEW is playing off some of the internet speculation. Diamond Dallas Page was visiting backstage and he’s a good friend of Raven so that may be another reason why he was there.

Either way, this only add fuel to the speculation from some who think that he will be revealed as the leader of the Dark Order, aka the Exalted One. If the leader turns out to be Matt Hardy then you can expect that reveal after March 1st when he becomes a free agent.

Check out the still photo and clip below.

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