Jim Ross on AEW Collision: ‘I Hope I Can Broadcast That Show Even Though It’ll Kill My Football on Saturday Nights for a While’

The latest episode of “Grilling JR” covers the career of former WCW/WWE star Brian Pillman, who passed away in 1997. 

Before the main topic, Ross talked about AEW Collision and said that he doesn’t know yet what he will be doing:

“I don’t know a lot about this show. I don’t know who’s gonna broadcast it. I don’t know who the broadcast team is. It’s all been kept close to the vest, shall we say? Saturday night is a challenging night for television. It just is. It doesn’t mean people don’t watch TV on Saturday. They do, and I believe that they will if there’s a reason. I don’t know what the roster is gonna look like, which is kind of cool. You can play along and see what happens. I hope I can broadcast that show even though it’ll kill my football on Saturday nights for a while. We’ll figure that out. That’s not a big deal. The great thing about streaming and all those things is I can watch my ballgame, but I just may not be able to watch it live.”

Ross said he was not in favor of presenting a junior heavyweight championship in wrestling:

“I was always against the Junior Heavyweight, Light Heavyweight (championship). There’s never been a great Junior Heavyweight since Danny Hodge got out of the business. Danny Hodge was the best because he was an Olympian, three time National Champion, and he never lost in college. Every bit of publicity you want as a PR guy, Hodge provided, but there was no way to follow that act. Having a Junior Heavyweight title, or a Cruiserweight title, I hated all those damn things. I hated all those because it brought you down a notch.”

The entire podcast can be heard now at AdFreeShows.com.

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