Jon Moxley on WWE promos: “Pressure is having a two-page script written by a 74-year-old madman that makes no sense to you…”

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley was the guest on Tuesday’s edition of Busted Open Radio on Sirius XM. Among many topics, Moxley talked about how AEW has rekindled his passion for wrestling.

Moxley said, “It’s really simple. It’s a lot of things but the simplest thing is they don’t give me a script. If I had to boil it down to one thing that drove me crazier than anything was the fact that I got handed a script and told what to say. The first time that ever happened we were in the Shield and they handed us a script. Even in developmental, we are down there with Dusty. That was one of the best times I had in the business in FCW cutting promos. I heard the term scripted promos. That blew my mind. The first time they handed me a script, it was like Roman says this, Seth says this, Dean says this. I thought it was a suggestion and they were filling in words on the run sheet. I was like ok to the writer, I got some cool ideas. We can say this or that and they were like, no, this is the way you’re going to say it. I was like, yea, but this is my idea and it was made very clear to us that this is what you are going to say. I remember having this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like, oh my God, I made a terrible mistake…I’ll tell you what pressure is. Pressure is having a two-page script written by a 74-year-old madman that makes no sense to you that’s going to make you look stupid and your on worldwide TV live and you have to memorize every single line and somehow try to pull it off and not look like a total jackass. That’s pressure. A lot of times I did pull that off. A lot of times I didn’t. But, I’ll never have to be in that situation again. Now I just get to be me and it’s a nice feeling.”

Moxley just finished feuding with Brian Cage and now, as AEW heads towards the All Out pay-per-view, it looks like we might be getting MJF vs. Moxley for the World Title.  It is clear that Moxley is happy doing what he’s doing in AEW and it should be fun to see the promo exchanges with MJF over the next few weeks.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Busted Open Radio with a h/t to for the transcription. Busted Open Radio can be heard on SiriusXM’s Fight Nation (Channel 156), Monday through Saturday from 9 am to Noon eastern.

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