Jungle Boy on training at a young age, irony of his father’s favorite wrestler

Thanks to Chuck Carroll of CBS Sports for sending us the following:

I wanted to pass along an interview I did for CBS with AEW’s Jungle Boy. We touched on the insane fact that his parents found a wrestling school that would train him when he was just 10 years old, how he’s an 11-year overnight success, the bond he forged with his father, Luke Perry, over wrestling, and whether he feels his father is looking down on him in the ring.

How did you start training at 10? What was that even like?

My parents found a place for me to train. I used to go out on my trampoline and throw my sister around. And I think they decided, “we should find some other people for you to throw around instead.” So, yeah, it was cool. It was kind of [a] wild experience, because it’s a weird kind of wacky world, wrestling. Especially being that small, it was kind of crazy, but it was cool.

When you would watch wrestling with your dad, did you cheer for the same people?

It’s funny, because my dad’s favorite wrestler growing up was Dusty Rhodes. You know, it’s cool now the way it’s all worked out with Cody and everything. It’s a cool little thing.

You can check it out here: https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2019/08/30/jungle-boy-jack-perry-all-elite-wrestling-luke-perry-son-interview/

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