Jungle Boy, Thunder Rosa, PAC, and more in action on tonight’s AEW Dark: Elevation

AEW is airing another episode of its weekly Dark: Elevation program and the matches on tap for the show have been announced.

Among the matches announced include , Jungle Boy vs. Marq Quen, Chuck Taylor vs. PAC, Thunder Rosa, and more.

Dark will be back on Monday night at 7pm ET via the official AEW YouTube channel. All Elite Wrestling released the lineup for the show:

Luther Vs. Big Shotty Lee
Chuck Taylor vs. PAC
Scorpio Sky vs. Fuego Del Sol
Kris Statlander and Tay Conti vs. The Bunny and Madi Wrenkowski
The Gunn Club & Brock Anderson vs. Chandler Hopkins, Cameron Cole and Izzy James
Yuka Sakazaki vs. Amber Nova
Marko Stunt vs. Angelico
Thunder Rosa vs. Myka Madrid
Lucha Bros vs. Alan “5” Angels and 10
Eddie Kingston vs. Serpentico
Luchasaurus vs. Jora Johl
Wardlow vs. Bear Bronson
Jungle Boy vs. Marq Quen

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