Lance Storm wants to see Hook featured more on AEW Dynamite

On the latest Figure Four Daily show on, Lance Storm agreed with Bryan Alvarez saying that AEW should have Hook shown on Dynamite as part of Team Taz because some fans that only watch Dynamite have not seen much of him since he started wrestling on Rampage.

Storm said, “I thought about it when you mentioned that you’d like to see him back in the background of the team Taz segments. I realized that because I don’t watch Rampage because it doesn’t air on television up here, Hook has vanished from AEW as far as I’m concerned. I never see the guy. I see the graphic that comes up and says he’ll be wrestling on Rampage. But Hook has vanished as a viewer of strictly Dynamite. And I agree with you that he should be back with Team Taz…just to see him and remind them that he’s there I think helps. Because it does feel weird that he’s this babyface guy on Rampage that wins all the time but he’s not with his group anymore.”

Alvarez said, “What got him over was being in the background of that group. I don’t know why he all of a sudden vanished because he started wrestling. He should be appearing on every single show even if it’s not a match, but just standing there with that haircut eating them chips. That’s all the guy needs to get over.

The 22-year old is undefeated and all of his wins have come on Rampage. Hook has victories over Fuego Del Sol, Bear Bronson, Aaron Solow and Serpentico. On the latest Rampage show, Hook had a confrontation with QT Marshall so it looks like Hook vs. Marshall will happen soon.

Presumably, Hook will wrestle on Dynamite in the near future and AEW will likely make a big deal out of his Dynamite in-ring debut.

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