Mark Briscoe Considered Retirement After His Brother Jay Passed Away

Mark Briscoe will be challenging Eddie Kingston for Kingtonā€™s ROH Championship at Supercard of Honor on April 5, 2024. Click here for details on the event.

Mark Briscoe was asked if he considered not returning to the ring after his brother Jay Briscoe passed away:

“That was my very first thought, I’m never wrestling again, but it really didn’t take long at all for me to reconsider and change my mind there once I got thinking about what he would want me to do. My initial reaction was I’m never wrestling again, I don’t ever want to wrestle again, and then like I said, when I thought about what he would want me to do, it wasn’t long at all and I was like, I can’t just quit at this point. I gotta carry on for him.”

Mark Briscoe on what it would mean to him to become ROH Champion:

“It means a lot, man. It’d be cool. Ring of Honor from 2002 and the stages and the ages and the eras of Ring of Honor, it’s amazing. I don’t think the Ring of Honor World title gets the credit it deserves for its significance in the history of professional wrestling. It would be an honor and it would be really cool, especially after being here from day one. Singles gold has eluded me to this point, but I’m feeling real good about this one. I’m training hard. I got my mind right. I’ve been watching tapes. I’ve been studying Eddie. I know Eddie and I know he’s gonna try to bring it, but I got something for him, but it would mean a great deal.”

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