Matt Hardy: It’s ‘Very Cool’ That Cody Rhodes Still Has Respect For AEW, CM Punk’s Comments Are ‘Very Much Who He Is’

On the latest “Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, Matt was asked his thoughts on CM Punk and Cody Rhodes’ comments on MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani:

“As far as some of the things he said, to me, it’s very CM Punk,” Hardy said. “For better or for worse, it’s just very CM Punk. It’s just very much who he is. The Cody stuff was cool. I love how Cody still has great respect and greatly acknowledges The Bucks and Kenny and Tony just for starting AEW because it is so important to the industry.”

Matt continued, “That’s one of the reasons I’m just such a big fan of AEW because it is important. I think it is paramount for the health and the survival of the industry because competition just makes everything better. It gives people that are moved out of one place another option. It’s a huge positive no matter which way you slice it. I do love that Cody does acknowledge the positives about it. I think that the fact of the matter is AEW is going to be a very controversial subject when discussed on any kind of WWE programming, specifically, depending on who the person is and what their stance is on it.” 

Matt Hardy’s podcast drops every Friday at If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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